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Meaningful meetings

Have an ongoing conversation about how you get the best out of your meetings. Try with different methods until you find those that work for you.
As you get more experience with the academic field and each other you can change the methods, you have chosen, if they don’t work for you anymore. 

At one of the first study group meetings, you should talk about:
  • How will you take notes? Will you e.g. have an agenda?
  • Do you want someone leading the meetings/a facilitator?
  • How do you want to meet? When do you prefer to meet and what is possible?
  • Are you going to distribute the tasks among you or will you take turns?
  • Do you want a notetaker? Or a timekeeper? 
  • Will you take turns on the different roles?


Ideas that can give structure and meaningful meetings: 

Have a plan for the meeting: Make a plan or an agenda either before the meeting or at the start of the meeting and have your discussions according to that.

Distribute the roles: Decide who leads the meeting and oversees the discussions and so on. Maybe you need a notetaker, that can take notes on the most important points from your meetings so it will be easier to remember.

Distribute the tasks: You can agree on what each of you will do for the next meeting. You can give inputs to the different tasks together. 

Make room for evaluation: At the end of each meeting you can do a summary of the main points of learning and have a conversation about if there’s anything you should do differently at the next meeting. It is a good idea to spend time discussing what works and what doesn’t.

Good advice for study group habits

Find good advice on how to get your meetings and collaboration run as smoothly as possible

Read more here

Last Updated 01.07.2024