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My personal strengths

You come to the university as different people and contribute with different experiences and interests. These differences are advantages; you can help each other gain knowledge and competences as a group through your personal strengths and interests.

The purpose of this exercise is that you spot your own personal strengths and understand the various personal strengths and interests within the group.

In this exercise you need the strength cards to the right. There are 14 strength cards with strengths and four blank ones. You each need a set.


  • Look at the strength cards and divide them into:
  • What are you good at/strengths others appreciate in you
  • What are you good at but others might find annoying
  • A strength you would like to develop

A strength you do not feel comfortable using

Use the blank cards if you feel you have a strength that is not mentioned. Write down your strength on the blank card in the same way as the preprinted ones.

When you place the cards you need to think about a certain situation, for instance from earlier in your education or from other experiences with study groups. With every strength card, try to write down some keywords on a typical situation where the strength came in useful in teamwork og in solving a task. It does not need to be from a study group situation. It can also be from times where you had to work in a team, for instance in your previous studies, job, or free time.

In the group
Talk to each other about the strengths you each have chosen in the different categories.
Discuss what the strengths mean for your group work.
Are your strengths manifested in your group right now? And can the strengths be overdone so they become weaknesses? Give an example.

Give each other strengths and tell them why you give them that strength. When is that strength useful in the group work? And talk about the possible disadvantages of that strength. 


Strength cards

Learn more about your personal strenghts

Download the exercise here

Last Updated 04.07.2024