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Answers to your questions about the study environment survey

Is my response anonymous?

Your response will, of course, be treated confidentially. You can read more about the data management and accessibility here.

Who will have access to my answers?

Only a couple of staff members at Student Services (analysis) have access to your answers. They have a duty of professional confidentiality and may not investigate individual answers without good grounds. As far as the study environment survey is concerned, staff involved are independent of faculties, the study administration, teachers, the academic study board and similar bodies.

How can I be anonymous when you have my student e-mail address?

The study administration informed us of your e-mail address and we also received information about your study programme. This is necessary to enable us to register your answers in the context of your study programme. At the same time it makes it unnecessary for us to ask you a lot of questions about the more formal circumstances in connection with your study programme. Together with your answers in the questionnaire, this information will be stored nowhere but at Student Services (analysis) and will not be passed on.

I am the only one of "my kind" in the study programme. Won't my identity be revealed when you process the analyses?

If, for instance, you are the only man in your study programme, you are correct that you will be the only person in the table in which the responses from your department are divided by gender. We have taken this into account by specifying that there must be a minimum number of responses per cell when we create a table. Otherwise, the cell will be empty. 

Can I change my answers?

Yes. As long as the survey is in progress you can access your questionnaire and change your answers with the help of the link you have received.

May I pass on my link?

No. Your link is unique and connected with your response. Everybody will be able to see your answers if you pass on the link.

How do I take part in the competitions?

Simply by filling in the questionnaire and clicking 'end' when you have finished.

Must I pay tax on my prize?

Yes, if you are lucky enough to win one of the prizes, you must report it to SKAT. As no cash or gift vouchers are involved, you are responsible for reporting a prize, not SDU.

Where can I find more information?

You are always welcome to write to the project group responsible for the study environment survey if you have any questions that have not been answered here. Send an e-mail to

Last Updated 07.02.2024