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Guide for groups in the Digital Exam system

How to form a group before the exam starts

If your exam administrator has allowed students to form groups before the exam starts, the status of the exam will indicate that group formation is possible:

Click on the test name (written in blue) and you will see the following screen:

Add members to the group

  1. Select the group status 'I am part of a group' (’Jeg er del af en gruppe’).
  2. Click in the search field and type the name of another member of the group. Click on the name when it appears.
  3. Add the person to the group by clicking on the large plus icon. The selected person is now invited to the group.

All invited members must log in and accept the invitation.

Accept the invitation by logging in, clicking on the name of the exam, and accepting the invitation as shown here:

All group members should accept the invitation before submission, so everyone receives a receipt by e-mail. If a group member accepts the invitation after submission, they will not receive an e-mail receipt. However, they can still log into Digital Exam and view the receipt there.

Deadline for group formation

If there is a deadline for group formation, it will always be the submission time. This means that all groups must be formed and all group invitations accepted before this deadline. Otherwise, it will not be possible to join a group. If there is such a deadline, it will be indicated in the overview.

How to form a group after the exam starts

If it was not possible to form groups before the exam starts, or you have not done so, you should form groups as follows: 

Add members to the group

Click the exam in the exam overview and navigate to point 2 'Submission conditions'. Here, the person creating the group does the following:

  1. Select the group status 'I am part of a group'.
  2. Click in the search field and type the name of another member of the group. Click on the name when it appears.
  3. Add the person to the group by clicking on the large plus icon. The selected person is now invited to the group.

All invited members must log in and accept the invitation.

Accept the invitation by logging in, clicking on the name of the exam, and accepting the invitation as shown here:

All group members should accept the invitation before submission, so everyone receives a receipt by e-mail. If a group member accepts the invitation after submission, they will not receive an e-mail receipt. However, they can still log in to Digital Exam and view the receipt there.

Submit only once

For group submissions in Digital Exam, only one member of the group needs to upload and submit the exam paper and any attachments. The remaining group members only need to accept the invitation to be part of the group.

Last Updated 08.09.2024