SDU Business School Days 2023
Find all activities here
You can participate in activities online and on all five campuses regardless of which campus you are registered at, as all campusses are part of SDU Business School and thus a part of your education.
Aktiedysten - The investment game
27. februar - 17. marts
Location: online - all campusses
Do you want to become a more skilled investor and have a chance to win prizes for your efforts? Sign up for this year's Aktiedysten - the investor game where you will compete for being the most successful investor against your fellow students.
You are investing fictive funds in real stock and you will be able to invest through different stock markets.
You can participate on your own or with your study group.
1st place winner will be invited to an exclusive investment meeting with an expert at Nordea, where your investment process and future will be on the agenda.
2nd + 3rd place will win vouchers for a trip to the cinema for two with popcorn and soft drinks.
The stock market is controlled by many factors, but these can make us more knowledgeable about the challenges companies and societies are facing, such as recessions, political instability, market competition, regulations and changes in technology used. Throughout your education at SDU Business School, you'll gain knowledge about these elements and their impact.
You can sign up here.
SDU RIO's webinar workshop: The Good CV and Application
Thurs., 16th March, 12.00-14.00
Location: online - all campusses
In EnglishA well-written application and resume is the quickest way to convince a possible employer why you should get the interview. But what makes a good application and strong resume?
This is what SDU's Career Guidance will talk about in this webinar. This is what SDU's Career Guidance will talk about in this webinar.
Sign up is necessary. Sign-up here.
Wednesday 15th marts, 15.30 - 20.00
Sted: SDU campus Esbjerg
All events in English
SDU Esbjerg is opening its doors for a packed afternoon and evening program, including knowledge sharing and networking.
kl.15.30-17.30: Talk Beyond The Obvious
SDU Esbjerg AuditorietLook into your future career path with short talks from successful alumni, presentations from researchers and SDU RIO on how you can use the competencies from your education. Apart from a ton of inspiration, we'll also provide some brand-new SDU Business School merchandise!
You will meet:
Kristin Munksgaard, Head of SDU Business School
Rene Møller Sørensen, Peope Insight and SWP manager at LEGO Digital
Mark Philip Fæster, Sportspilot, Sport og Event Park EsbjergChristin Gjersin Nielsen, Ph.D., Idrættens Analyseinsitut, who comes and tells about the Tour de France and the start in Denmark in 2022. Don't miss this educational and information-packed presentation.
Morten Henriksen, career counsellor at SDU RIO, has extensive knowledge about what competencies companies are looking for and how to put your skills into words.
kl.17.30-18.30 Networking og tapas
Lounge area at FlygletGrab a bite to eat while networking with former students. Don't worry. Tapas is on us!
kl.18.30-20.00: Lounge & Quiz
Lounge 81
Move the conversation over to our lounge, where we serve beer, water and popcorn. Also, there'll be time for a quiz!
You are signing up for ALL parts of the event. Sign up here.
Indvielse af Business School Lounge
Tors. 2. marts, kl. 11.15 - 12.15
Sted: Campus Kolding, lokale 61.60 på 6. sal
Som opvarmning til Business School Days, inviterer vi til en uhøjtidelig indvielse af vores nye Business School Lounge på 6. sal.
Kom forbi og se det nyindrettede område, få lidt at spise og en uformel snak med andre studerende, medarbejdere og virksomheder fra lokalområdet.
Tilmelding er nødvendig. Deadline for tilmelding er d.28. februar.
Business Lunch
Tors. 9. marts, kl.9.00 - 12.00
Sted: SDU Kolding, Atriet
Business Lunch er en karrieremesse arrangeret af SDU Kolding, Designskolen Kolding, IBA Erhvervsakademi Kolding og Business Kolding, hvor studerende og forskellige virksomheder mødes til en snak om projekter, praktik eller samarbejde generelt.
Alle virksomheder kommer med konkrete opslag, så der er gode muligheder for at lande en aftale/samarbejde.
Opslagene kan ses på uddannelsesinstitutionernes jobbanker eller på opslagstavlerne til Business Lunch.
Du kan møde virksomheder som ABENA, Deloitte, Fynske Bank, LINAK, Trapholt, VELUX og mange flere.Tilmelding
Du kan tilmelde dig her
Strategi i realiteten - gæsteforelæsning v. Autonomous Units
Tors. 9. marts, kl. 13.15 - 14.00
Sted: SDU Kolding, lokale 41.39
Du kan få indsigt i hvordan det strategiske arbejde kan udfoldes i realiteten og hvordan arbejdes der arbejdes konkret med forretningsstrategien hos robotvirksomheden Autonomous Units. Oplægget bliver holdt af CCO Søren Johannes Bjerre.
Tilmelding er ikke nødvendig. Mød blot op i god tid.
Talk Beyond The Obvious
Fre. 17. marts, kl.12.15 - 14.00
– men bliv endelig hængende til en snak med de andre deltagere eller oplægsholderne og få en fredagsøl/sodavand.
Sted: SDU Kolding lokale 61.01Få fokus på din fremtidige karrierevej med korte talks fra succesfulde alumner om deres vej ind på arbejdsmarkedet, samt oplæg fra forskere og SDU RIO om hvordan du kan bruge kompetencerne fra din uddannelse i fremtiden.
Vi giver sandwich, lidt lækker SDU Business School merchandise og masser god inspiration!
Du vil møde:
Kristin Munksgaard, Leder af SDU Business School
Søren Bjerre, Cofounder og CCO, Autonomous Units
Kim Stig Malle, Senior Supply Chain Partner, Novo Nordisk Kalundborg
Line Storm, Projektleder, Elbek & Vejrup A/S
Mette Søgaard Nielsen, lektor og Ph.D. ved Institut for Entreprenørskab og Relationsledelse. Mette deler ud af sin indgående viden om netværksdannelse.
Netværk er vigtigt, men hvad er din netværksstrategi?Cathrine Andreasen, karrierevejleder ved SDU RIO, kommer med et oplæg om kompetencer og hvordan du kan udvikle dig og din karriere. Dertil vil du få indblik i de services og tilbud som du kan få i karrierevejledningen.
Du kan tilmelde dig her.
Gæsteforelæsning om ledelse
(events are in Danish)
Experience exciting presentations within the management profession.
Det Personlige Lederskab - Personal Leadership
Thurs. d. 23rd March kl. 12.15-13.15
Location: room 31.39
Ole Østergaard, CEO hos Klean
Ole is a musician and computer scientist and is now at the head of Klean A/S – a digital agency that focuses on "People before Technology" and helps companies understand the possibilities of technology. Ole has a background as a consultant and manager for many years.
Bæredygtig Ledelse - Sustainable Management
Thursday 13th March kl.12.15-13.15
Location: room 31.39
Steffen Kallehauge, Head of Impact hos B Lab Nordics
Come and hear Steffen Kallehauge talk about sustainable management. Steffen is Head of Impact at B Lab Nordics, which is part of a global non-profit network that offers a holistic, sustainable certification approach. The work in B Lab is based on the idea that the business community should drive sustainable social development. In 2022, Steffen received the award as 'Sustainability Leader SMEs' at the SDG Tech Awards.
Not necessary - just drop by.
Marketing Challenge - Kickoff
Mon. 6th March, 14.00-16.00
Location: Campus Odense, Agora
In EnglishDemonstrate your business ingenuity in the Marketing Challenge case competition and give your career a head start! Participate in teams of 2-5 students and pitch an innovative marketing strategy to a judging panel comprising faculty and senior-level executives.
Learn more and sign up here.
Talk Beyond The Obvious
Tue. 7th. March, 12.15 - 13.50
Location: Campus Odense, Room U28
In English
Look into your future career path with short talks from successful alumni, presentations from researchers and SDU RIO on how you can use the competencies from your education. Apart from a ton of inspiration, we'll also provide lunch and some brand-new SDU Business School merchandise!
You'll meet:
Kristin Munksgaard, Leader SDU Business School
Thea Madsen, Cand. Merc. Market and Management Anthropology, Communications Consultant, Odense Renovation
Jannik Sommerlund, Business Developer, Strategy & Execution -Nordea on his transition from student to finding one's place in the market
Jannek Sommer, Ph.D. and Assistant Professor, Consumption, Culture and Commerce, will update you on the topic of current consumer behaviour.
Morten Henriksen, career counsellor at SDU RIO, has extensive knowledge of the different skills that companies are looking for and how to put your skills into words to stand out from the crowd.
Sign up is necessary. Sign-up here.
Marketing Challenge - Pitstop
Friday 10th. March , 14.00-16.00
Location: Business LoungeParticipants in the Marketing Challenge are invited to work on their solutions with mentor support.
Same as Marketing Challenge - Kickoff: here
Sådan sætter du ord på dine kompetencer
Man. 13. marts kl. 12.00 - 14.00Sted: Campus Odense, Seminarlokale V4-203a-2
(event in Danish)Workshop i samarbejde med konsulentvirksomheden Cand. Du bliver klædt på ift. hvilke kompetencer der efterspørges i studiejob og hvordan du sikrer et godt match mellem dig og virksomheden.
Ingen tilmelding nødvendig. Bare mød op.
Career Fair
Fri., 17th March, 12.00 - 14.00
Location: Campus Odense, Campustorvet
Meet up, meet over 20 companies, such as Novo Nordisk, Universal Robots, Deloitte, EY, Brainlog, Beierholm and Cand and talk to them about open job positions (for both students and graduates), get career advice and see the Marketing Challenge finale!
None needed!
Marketing Challenge - Finale
Fri. 17th March, 13.00 - 15.00
Location: Campus Odense, Campustorvet
In EnglishFinalists in the Marketing Challenge pitch their solutions and the judging panel pick the winning team.
None needed!
Talk Beyond The Obvious
Ons. 8. marts, kl. 12.15 - 13.15
Location: SDU Slagelse, Fredagsbaren Kutteren
Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled. You are welcome to participate in a similar event at one of our other campuses.
In English
Look into your future career path with short talks from successful alumni, presentations from researchers and SDU RIO on how you can use the competencies from your education. Apart from a ton of inspiration, we'll also provide lunch and some brand-new SDU Business School merchandise!You'll meet:
Kristin Munksgaard, Head of SDU Business School
Mika Almbjørn, Cand. Merc. Strategy & Organization, Project leader and agility coach + SCRUM master, Københavns Kommune
Michael Brookes, Ph.D. , Idrættens Analyseinsitut, who will share from his wide knowledge about the labour market. Don't miss out on this informative and educational talk!
Marien Sindberg, career counsellor at SDU RIO, has extensive knowledge of the different skills that companies are looking for and how to put your skills into words to stand out from the crowd.Sign-up
Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled.
Gæsteforelæsning v/Mercuri Urval: Human Ressource Management
Ons. 15. marts, kl. 9.15 - 12.00
Sted: SDU Slagelse, Lokale A-1.10
(Event in Danish)Mercuri Urval er lige med Human Ressource Management og virksomheden har udviklingen af mennesket som deres hovedforretning. Gå ikke glip af muligheden for at få indsigt i konsulentvirksomhedens tilgang til HR og erfaringerne på markedet.
Ikke nødvendig. Bare mød op.
Popcorn and creativity - build your dream career
Wed. 8th March & Thu. 16th March, 12.00 - 14.00
Location: Alsion, at the stairs to the cafeteria
Grab a box of popcorn and experience how you can use Lego as a tool for co-creation, reflection and dialogue.
SDU Business School is curious of how you imagine your future career:
Where will you be in 5, 10 or 15 years? What do you dream of working with? What is your dream job? Build it & let's talk about it!
Take a break where you unleash your creativity and dare to dream.
Not necessary – just come by.
Startups and Snacks
Thurs. 9th March, 15.30-?
Location: The Red Meeting Boxes - M307
Join us for an event on start-ups during the SDU Business School Weeks where you can get insights into the operations of early businesses! With an introduction to entrepreneurship, as well as Speakers who talk about their experience of bringing their idea into establishing a start-up.
Throughout the event, we will provide sodas and some snacks.
Sign-up by clicking 'deltager' on this page.
First Mover Morgenmøde - Når iværksætteri ikke kun er for løver
Tors. 16. marts, kl.8.15 - 9.30
Sted: Alsion, lokale M201
(event in Danish)Kom til First Mover Morgenmøde og få nye nuancer på iværksættere og iværksætteri.
First Mover Morgenmødet giver nye perspektiver på iværksætteri, og morgenmødet sigter imod at anspore til refleksion og dialog om emnet. Morgenmødet er interessant for alle, der arbejder med iværksætteri, erhvervsudvikling eller som måske går med en iværksætter i maven.
• Morgenkaffe og velkomst
• Det er ikke nok, at du gerne vil det – du skal ville det! v/CEO, Betina Carstens, ShowMyDay
• Nye perspektiver på iværksætteri v/ udviklingskonsulent Katrine Engdal Vorting, SDU
• Spørgsmål og diskussion
Du kan tilmelde dig her.
Talk Beyond The Obvious
Thu. 16th March, 10.30 - 12.00
Location: Alsion, room M301
In English
Look into your future career path with short talks from successful alumni, presentations from researchers and SDU RIO on how you can use the competencies from your education. Apart from a ton of inspiration, we'll also provide lunch and some brand-new SDU Business School merchandise!
You'll meet:
Kristin Munksgaard, Head of SDU Business School
Grace Macura, Business Process Manager, Swipbox will illustrate her transition from her time as a student to how she found her identity and options. Grace will also look at your future after you are graduating.Jolanta Oerberg, Senior Marketing Specialist, Nilfisk & graduate MSc. in Business Relationship Management, on how to position yourself to be more attractive on the job market and how she managed her career path.
Katrine Engdal Vorting, Lecturer and Ph.D., Institut for Entreprenørskab og Relationsledelse, on new perspectives on entrepreneurship and how diverse being an entrepreneur can be as well as what stereotypes and entrepreneur might meet.
Morten Henriksen, career counsellor at SDU RIO, has extensive knowledge of the different skills that companies are looking for and how to put your skills into words to stand out from the crowd.
You can sign up here.
Having trouble registering for an event?
Line Troelsgaard Olsen
Phone: 65503560