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SDU Digital

You have been phished!

But do not worry, this was only an exercise...


Phishing is when you receive a fraudulent email that appears to be legitimate, in an attempt to lure information or money out of you. Below are some tips on how to avoid falling for an actual phishing attack.


  • Check the sender - Is it a person you know? Or from an organization you are familiar with?
  • Is it something you have asked for or expect to receive? Does the message seem trustworthy?
  • If  in doubt, ask a colleague whether they have received a similar email, or call the sender on a previously known number to confirm that they did in fact send the email. This is particularly relevant if you receive requests for large sums of money from someone claiming to be your boss. This is called CEO-fraud.
  • If you feel unsure about an email or other attempts at contacting you, you can call IT-servicedesk on +45 6550 2990 or write an email to Servicedesk.
  • Your bank or insurance company will never ask you to update your information via email. If you have any doubts it is always better to call and ask before giving away any of your information.

Phishing campaign SDU October 2024


This campaign follows a similar structure to previous campaigns, where you are registered as compromised when you type in your login details as requested. Number of clicks on the link are also registered, in order to gather information on how many users click the link but do not type in their login details, compared with how many users do type in their login details.

MitSDU pages on data protection and information security

Tips and tricks regarding information security

Sikker Digital (in Danish)


Last Updated 21.10.2024