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Access to the swimming pool

Students at SDU can swim between 8-14 on weekdays, but only in periods where the pool is not occupied by other activities.
Click on the link, to see an overview of when the pool is open:

Access schedule (PDF) - updated 02.02.2024

New rules for accessing the pool

Previously it was necessary to have an access card to use the pool. From August 2019, it is no longer necessary to have an access card, the only requirement is to bring your student ID.

The lockers at the pool have changed. Previously you could just choose a locker, however now it is a requirement that you bring your own padlock in order to keep your belongings safe.

Note that every morning the lockers will be opened, to ensure that no-one is occupying a locker over longer periods.

Please note that there may be days where the pool is occupied partially or completely despite being "free" on the schedule. This can happen in case there is extraordinary curriculum activities.
Sports Science and Health students (BSc & MSc) have first priority for training activities related to their study program and can seal of parts of the pool.


Last Updated 21.07.2021