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Changing an elective

You can substitute one elective for another elective 

You are allowed to replace one elective with another elective up to three weeks after the beginning of the semester. However, it is not possible to change the elective if you have already used on exam attempt for the elective.

About the elective you choose instead:

  • It needs to have the same amount of ECTS, as the elective you wish to change.
  • There needs to be available space in the elective(s) you are switching to. (Ask your degree programme secretary if you are in doubt).
  • The elective(s) need(s) to be able fit into your programme regulations.

If you want to substitute an elective, contact Educational Law & Registration via


After a three week deadline, it is no longer possible to change your elective

After three weeks, you are no longer able to substitute one elective for another.

If you want to withdraw from an elective, you can request permission from your study board to do so.


Last Updated 07.02.2024