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Examination plan

Spring semester 2024

The plans may be subject to change

Autumn semester 2023

The plans may be subject to change

June 2024

August 2024

Januar 2024

Ordinary exams / re-exams will be held according to the below structure:

  • Ordinary exams in November -> re-exams will take place in January
  • Ordinary exams in January -> re-exams will take place in April
  • Ordinary exams in April -> re-exams will take place in June
  • Ordinary exams in June -> re-exams will take place in August

You can find further information on re-examinations in your curriculum.

Spring semester - 20. - 30. November
Autumn semester - 20. - 30. May

To be updated as soon as possible.


All written exams must be carried out in your own computer's word processing programme with Exam Monitor activated.

You must keep yourself updated with regulations and practical issues in connection with digital exams at any time.

Please find further information on Exam Monitor in the below student handbook:

Students' handbook

The university's generel information on written examinations can be found here:

The University of Southern Denmark's code of practice on written examinations (link)

Submission of written assignments
All written assignments such as reports, project papers etc. must be submitted electronically in pdf-format in Digital Exam.
The system always saves the latest uploaded assignment.
All pages of your paper must be provided with page numbers, course title and exam number (or full name and date of birth (ddmmyy).

However if the written assignment is not followed by an oral presentation, you must use your exam number as identification on your assignment.

Front page of exam papers
Written assignments, written reports, take-home assignments etc. must be provided with a front page. See example of front page below.

You must hand in most of the exam papers anonymously (with exam number), but in some cases your name must be on the front page (exams with oral defense etc.). You can see from the examination regulations in the study guide which form of identification you must use in each module.

Front page - anonymous (.docx)
Front page - with name (.docx)

Submission of group papers
Please submit one paper per group. You must write all names and dates of birth or exam number in the header of each page.

Deadlines of written assignments
Written assignments must be submitted within the deadlines. If you have trouble uploading your paper, you must contact the Study Secretariat immediately and before the deadline.

Examination language
Guidelines (.pdf) regarding the choice of examination language

Length of written assignments
Requirements on the length of written assignments are stipulated in the course descriptions of each individual module. The length is stated as normal pages. A normal page comprises 2,400 characters (symbols and spaces). Characters are defined as any typographical unit, i.e. not only letters and numbers, but also punctuation marks and spaces. Footnotes are counted as one character. The front page, table of contents, reference list, summary, tables and illustrations are not included.

The length of a paper may vary +/- 10% with respect to the fixed number of normal pages per student.

Non-written material such as films, videos, photos etc. can be included as literature in connection with written assignments. The extent of the material must be agreed with and approved by the teacher or supervisor. Films and video will be stated as one minute equal to one normal page.

It is up to the module coordinator to decide if the students are allowed to form groups themselves or if the module coordinator divides the students in groups.

A student can apply for permission to write a group paper individually, if the student cannot participate in group work due to unusual circumstances. After consulting with the head of studies, the module coordinator will decide if permission can be granted. 

Identification of group papers (without individual oral defence)
Each student's contribution must be assessed individually.  In order to identify the individual contribution, a page specifying which part of the exam paper the student is responsible for, must be included in the paper directly after the front page. This shall secure that the evaluation is done individually. However, introduction, discussion and conclusion may be written jointly. 

When an oral defence is part of the exam, it is not necessary to divide the paper. 

Create groups in Digital exam
One person from the group will create the group in Digital Exam and the other group members must accept the group invitation. Creating and accepting group must be done before the submission deadline.
Please note that if you don't accept the group invitation before submission deadline, this may cost you 1 exam attempt and you will be marked as absent for the exam.

Time schedules:
Time schedules in connection with oral exams will be announced in Digital exam.

Use of computers at oral exams with preparation:
Regulations (.pdf)

The results of your exam papers will be announced on Student Self-Service not later than 4 weeks after the exam date. (the month of July is not included).

It is the academic study board's practice to grant a dispensation for special examination conditions in cases where documented physical or mental disability prevents you from participating in the examination on an equal footing with other students. The special examination conditions must not result in a lowering of the examination level or failure to meet the competence goals. Furthermore, it must be ensured that you are tested using a variety of assessment methods throughout your study programme. The study board's decision is based on an individual assessment.

Special examination conditions can be, for instance, extra time for a written exam and/or extra preparation time for an oral exam.

A disability can be dyslexia, chronical illness, pregnancy (in the third trimester or documented complications earlier in the pregnancy) etc.

Read here how to apply. You must able to document the disability. Be aware of the study board's application deadlines

If you require any further information on examinations, please contact the Study Secretariat,

Last Updated 19.10.2023