Welcome to MySDU
We have launched a new website for you as a student. Our goal is to make it easier for you to find information relevant to you.
This means that all the information you previously found on SDU.dk under “Information for current students” is now be available here on MySDU.dk. Find the site for your study programme under the menu option “My programme”, gain an insight into your campus under “Student life” and find answers to your general questions within the remaining menu options.
MySDU – your new friend (hopefully)
As with all friendships, getting to know each other can take some time. Therefore, it might take some time before you feel familiar with the site. But we hope that it will, in the end, be easier for you to find the information you need. However, we do realize that all will not be perfect from the word go. There will be elements not working optimally. But as with all good friendships where you grow with each other, MySDU will continue to develop and improve, so we can ensure that you can easily find the information you need.
Let us know how we can improve MySDU
If you run into any problems when trying to find the content, you are seeking, experience errors on pages or dead links, we would like to hear from you. We would also love to hear from you if you have any good ideas on how we can work together to improve my SDU even more.
Send us your feedback
We are looking forward to seeing you again. Use and remember the address www.mysdu.dk; it is publicly accessible and requires no login. You will land right here on the front page. We recommend that you start using the local search function here on MySDU from the beginning – the option of searching MySDU via Google will slowly be phased out, but MySDU’s own search function will guide you on your way.