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Relevant partner universities

Europe or Overseas?

You can apply for both EU, Scandinavia and overseas at the first application deadline Nov. 1. At this round you will find the largest number of available study places and universities. If you apply at the second application round March 1. only remaining places will be offered  together with a few possible new partners.
It is your choice to choose preferred countries and every student has their own individual reasons to prefer particular parts of the world. Most important is to be able to get credits transferred after the study abroad.
It is recommended to apply for as many relevant universities as possible as there is no guarantee you will have your first priorities. Many students apply for at least 5-10 universities.

Choosing universities for application

There are three important sources to use when selecting universities for the application.

  1. A partner list showing all the universities offering study places for SDU students in the coming application round. Universities that do not appear in this list you cannot be applied for. The list also shows if a specific university will offer study places for students from Faculty of Engineering. If not, you can still apply but will always be last in row compared to faculties included in the list.
  2. Guide Sheet with all universities for engineering students, including those that might not offer study places in the coming application round. Therefore, you will have to compare the two lists but in most cases, they will be nearly identical. From the Guide Sheet you will be able to see if a specific university offers courses or programs that could be relevant for exactly your study program. In this case, e.g. a Civil engineering student will quickly be able to see the relevant universities to study closer.

Only apply for universities with relevant courses

Every university where you wish to apply must offer relevant courses of at least 30 ECTS. In the application to SDU, the courses must be listed in order to show the relevance of the university. In the Guide Sheet mentioned above, you will be able to find links that in most cases can lead you to a list of courses taught in English.

Relevant courses – ask your programme coordinator

The courses you would like to follow at a partner university must fit your engineering program. Many engineering programs have one or more obligatory courses, which must be a part of your study plan for studies at a partner university. So remember to get the information from your Programme coordinator and make sure these courses are available for you at the partner universities where you wish to apply.

As a bachelor student you are allowed to follow one course of 5 ECTS in the local language, politics, history or similar. In this way, you can get insight in the culture in which you are staying.

Credit transfer

After you are nominated and accepted at the partner university, you will have to apply for pre-approval of your courses at the TEK Study Board and latest in the end of the semester before going abroad. First you find the courses you would like to study at the partner university together with the course descriptions. Then stop by your program coordinator for supervision before applying for pre-approval. Login to use the application form for Pre-approval of Credit Transfer. Questions in this matter can be addressed to If your courses changes, it is very important to apply for new pre-approval again.

Academic Calendar

Most partner universities follow the same academic calendar as SDU, but you must always remember to check if this applies to the university where you would like to go. Most important is to finish exams at the partner university in order to be back in Denmark to start the following semester.

Apply for more than one partner university

When you apply for a partner university, the nomination is based at the average grade from your bachelor studies. Some destinations are particular popular and will take a grade in the very high end of the scale. These are typically USA, Australia, Singapore and Canada. So in order for you to be sure to go abroad, it is advisable to apply for as many universities as possible within your limit of relevant and interesting places. Some students apply for as many as 10-15 universities.

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TEK Internationalisation

Last Updated 02.05.2024