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For students at Biology (MSc)

Specialisation profiles

Each specialisation profile consists of a number of elective courses and projects, which we recommend you choose from if you wish to specialise in the relevant research area.

To the extent possible, we aim to ensure that courses within the same specialisation profile do not overlap in times of classes if you follow the recommended course of study within the standard time limits.

Communication by sound is the fastest, most accurate and information-rich modality for animals, with human speech at the pinnacle of its complexity. With this profile you will specialise in physiological mechanisms underlying animal behaviour, with emphasis on behavioural neuroscience and bioacoustics.

The courses cover all essential aspects of sound communication and behaviour, from sound recording to psychophysical and physiological experimental techniques. The courses are mainly “hands-on”, exploiting the facilities in the laboratories on campus and at our marine facility in Kerteminde.

Please note that some of the recommended courses may not be offered every year.

Recommended constituent courses

Recommended activities to put the main subject into perspective

As an alternative to doing a 15 ECTS company project as an activity to put your main subject into perspective, you could do a 30 ECTS company project on the third semester of your Master's degree programme, in which case the scope of your Master's thesis project will automatically be reduced to 30 ECTS.

Recommended universities for exchange stays abroad

Read more about exchange stays abroad

Recommended project hosts for company projects

  • local authorities
  • environmental consultancies
  • hearing aid companies
  • larger biomedical companies
  • NGO's

Read more about company projects

Examples of possible future employers

  • consultant companies
  • environmental protection agencies
  • local government agencies
  • science centres
  • medicotechnic companies
  • hearing aid companies
  • universities and other research institutes

Contact persons

Studies in population biology often focus on population size and structure, and the human impact on them due to harvesting, pollution and climate change. Therefore, there are clear connections between population biology and conservation biology (e.g. population viability analysis and decision-making in conservation).

The courses listed below include a focus on both Danish and global wildlife, covering both theory and practical issues. Please note that some of the recommended courses may not be offered every year.

Recommended constituent courses

Recommended activities to put the main subject into perspectives

As an alternative to doing a 15 ECTS company project as an activity to put your main subject into perspective, you could do a 30 ECTS company project on the third semester of your Master's degree programme, in which case the scope of your Master's thesis project will automatically be reduced to 30 ECTS.

Recommended universities for exchange stays abroad

Read more about exchange stays abroad

Examples of possible future employers

  • nature management and environmental protection agencies
  • environmental consulting companies
  • NGOs focusing on nature
  • utility companies
  • other private companies
  • universities and other research institutions

Contact persons

If you are interested in freshwater or marine ecology, climate adaptation and/or management of nature and environment, we recommend that your choose your electives from among the courses and project listed below.

Please note that some of the recommended courses may not be offered every year.

Recommended constituent courses

Recommended activities to put your main subject into perspective

As an alternative to doing a 15 ECTS company project as an activity to put your main subject into perspective, you could do a 30 ECTS company project on the third semester of your Master's degree programme, in which case the scope of your Master's thesis project will automatically be reduced to 30 ECTS.

Recommended universities for exchange stays abroad

Read more about exchange stays abroad

Recommended project hosts for company projects

  • local authorities
  • environmental consultancies
  • utility companies
  • environmental protection agencies
  • other private companies
  • NGOs

Read more about company projects

Examples of possible future employers

  • nature management and environmental protection agencies
  • environmental consultancies
  • NGOs focusing on nature
  • utility companies
  • other private companies
  • universities and other research institutions

Contact person

Ecotoxicology is an interdisciplinary research area in the crossfield between biology, molecular biology and chemistry. It is closely linked to the needs of the society.

Please note that some of the recommended courses may not be offered every year.

Recommended constituent courses

Recommended activities to put your main subject into perspective

As an alternative to doing a 15 ECTS company project as an activity to put your main subject into perspective, you could do a 30 ECTS company project on the third semester of your Master's degree programme, in which case the scope of your Master's thesis project will automatically be reduced to 30 ECTS.

Recommended universities for exchange stays abroad

  • University of Antwerp (Belgium)
  • University of Heidelberg (Germany)
  • University of Oslo (Norway)
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)

Read more about exchange stays abroad

Recommended project hosts for company projects

  • local authorities
  • environmental protection agencies
  • environmental consultancies
  • utility companies
  • NGOs

Read more about company projects

Examples of possible future employers

  • local authorities
  • environmental protection agencies
  • environmental consultancies
  • utility companies
  • pharmaceutical companies
  • toxicology testing companies
  • laboratory equipment and supplies companies
  • NGOs
  • high schools
  • universities and other research institutions

Contact persons

Any questions?

The student counsellors at the Faculty of Science are ready to help you with your study-related questions.

Contact the student counsellors at the Faculty of Science

Last Updated 19.06.2024