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Specialisation profiles

Each specialisation profile consists of a number of elective courses and projects, which we recommend you choose from if you wish to specialise in the relevant research area.

To the extent possible, we aim to ensure that courses within the same specialisation profile do not overlap in times of classes if you follow the recommended course of study within the standard time limits.

Numerical Analysis is a branch of mathematics that deals with efficient numerical solutions to mathematically formulated models. This could be, for example, optimising a financial portfolio, calculating the flow of air around a car or weather forecasts.

Please note that some of the recommended courses may not be offered every year.

Recommended autumn courses

Recommended spring courses

Please note that some of the recommended courses may not be offered every year.

Recommended autumn courses

Recommended spring courses

If you wish to specialise in Statistics, you should choose ST813: Statistical modelling (10 ECTS) and MM835: Probability theory (10 ECTS) if you haven't already taken equivalent courses as part of your qualifying Bachelor's programme.

Additionally, we recommend that you choose from among the following courses:

Any questions?

The student counsellors at the Faculty of Science are ready to help you with your study-related questions.

Contact the student counsellors at the Faculty of Science

Last Updated 18.06.2024