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If you want to apply for transfer of credits

If you have gained credits through a course of study, a part of a course of study or perhaps just a single course, you may file an application to have the credits transferred to your new course of study. This is awarding of credits.

This is also the case if you have passed an examination that is not part of your current education but that you think should be allowed to replace a subject in your studies.

It is the provider of the study programme, i.e. the academic study board, which can award credit. If you would like to apply for credit, we recommend that you contact the academic adviser of your programme.

When do you apply for transfer of credits?

In general, you can apply for credit if you have passed an exam in a similar course at another course of study, at another educational institution or abroad. This might be a subject from a nursing programme that you can use in health science or it could have a semester that you have studies at a university abroad.

You cannot be awarded credit for courses from the same study programme, e.g. if a course or the academic substance is part of both your major and your minor subject. In this case you need to contact the academic adviser of your programme in order to understand your possibilities of dispensations and choice of other subjects instead.

When you want to apply for transfer of credits

An approval for transfer of credit requires:

  1. That all information about the subject is available for the university.
  2. You need to be able to explain how much the course or subject is worth in ECTS points.
  3. You have to account for the ECTS and the academic substance of the course or courses and its/their relevance to your intended or current course of study.

Verification of merit

Applications for transfer of credits will be verified on an ongoing basis to make sure that the supplied documentation is valid and correct.

Pre-approval of credit transfer

If you consider following a course that is not part of your course of study - perhaps at another university - and you would like this course to be part of your course of study, it is important that you apply to the academic study board for the credit transfer to be pre-approved. As the name indicates, you need to apply for the transfer of credits before you begin the course or subject.

If you want to take all of your electives at another institution, you also need to apply for a transfer of credits. Contact your programme for more guidance.

Internships and credits

Often you may be awarded credits for an internship if it is considered relevant for your course of study. Read more about internship and credit on the home pages of the Career Centre.

You can also contact SDU International to find out more about exchange programs.

You can complain about a decision concerning credits

If you do not agree with a decision concerning transfer of credits, you can appeal the study board’s decision. Find directions on how to appeal in the decision.

If you would like to complain about the academic assessment, you need to present your appeal to the Credit Transfer Complaint Board. Find directions on how to appeal in the decision.


Do you need support?

Contact Registration or Educational Law if you have any questions regarding the above mentioned rules. You can do this either via or by calling at 65501059 (between 10 a.m. and 12 a.m.).

Contact Student Services if you have questions about SU, Admission, SDU international, Syddansk Elite,  SPS and other services at SDU.

Contact the counselling at your studies if you need specific knowledge related to your study eg. knowledge about your study plan or how to write a dispensation application.

Contact the General Study counselling if you need guidance concerning general study topics such as study techniques, well-being or simply just find it hard to know who to go to with your questions.

Last Updated 07.02.2024