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Digital oral examinations

What is meant by digital oral examination?

A digital oral exam is different from the ordinary oral exam only by being digital. The following guidelines will tell you how SDU is expecting you to act before, during and after performing a digital oral exam.


Important to know about digital exams

Your Programme Administration will issue supplementary guidelines on the digital oral examinations. You will receive these guidelines well before your exam takes place.

This information will contain directions on

  • The time and duration of the exam
  • How to access the virtual examination location
  • What demands your IT programmes must meet in order for you to be able to use them during the exam.

The digital oral exam takes place in your own home or somewhere outside of SDU’s campus sites.

All digital oral exams take place on your personal computer unless otherwise stated in your exam regulations. You will find these regulations in your curriculum, the course description, on the course in Blackboard or the homepage of your study programme.

 The digital platform for the digital oral exam will be either:


The supplementary guidelines will tell you which programme to use.

You need to have the following IT equipment ready for your digital oral exam:

  • Your personal computer
  • Amicrophone. it is recommended that you use an external headset with a microphone to achieve better sound.
  • A webcam. The computers build-in webcam is fine. 
  • Access to the internet at the location where the exam is being completed

It is your responsibility to make sure that you have a clear picture and audible sound during the exam.

If you get any IT-problems

In case you need help, please contact SDU-IT on or tel.: 65 50 29 90.

Does your computer work as it should? 

When setting up your personal computer, make sure it works. The setting up of your personal computer is your own responsibility.

If you need to use specific programmes, you should turn these on to make sure that they work as intended.

Is your computer fully upgraded?

Please make sure that your computer is fully updated in order to avoid any sudden system reboot halfway through the exam.

Does your microphone and webcam work?

Please make sure that your webcam and microphone are correctly installed and work. You can check this by making a test call to a fellow student. 1.

Have your student card at hand

Before the exam commences you must identify yourself using the card so that the examiner can identify you as the rightful examinee.

If you cannot find your student card, or if your card has been damaged, please use your passport or driver’s license as identification.

When do you have to be ready?

You will be informed of the right time to show up for the exam in the supplementary guidelines on digital oral examinations, which your Programme Administration will send to you.

Does your computer have power?

Please make sure that your computer is connected to a charger. If your computer runs short of battery in the middle of the exam, the exam will be over, and your performance will be assessed as matters stand. You are not allowed to start over.

You have to be ready to identify yourself 

Before the exam commences you must identify yourself using your student card. If you cannot find your card, or if your card has been damaged, you can use your passport or driver’s license.

Is your exam an open book exam?

No books etc. are allowed in the area of your computer, if the exam is not an open book examination.

Nice to know before the exam starts

  • The examiner or external examiner may ask you to pan your camera around.
  • You may also be asked to share your digital desktop.
  • Sharing information or contacting other examinees or persons is not allowed during the exam.
  • You alone are responsible for your IT equipment and for saving any notes, including making safety copies, during the exam.
  • The exam is under no circumstances allowed to be recorded, neither by the examinee nor the examiner. If SDU learns that you have recorded your exam, you will be reported to the Vice-Chancellor for violating the SDU disciplinary measures. 


You will receive oral instructions

Before the exam commences, the examiner will give you oral instructions.

If you need to draw a question

If you need to draw a question before the exam, you must do this online, as well. Exactly how this is done will be described in the guidelines received from your Programme Administration.

If you have preparation time

During the preparation time, the basic rule is that you cannot leave the place where your computer is.

In an open book examination, you may use all the aids and resources as well as the internet to the extent described in the guidelines for each particular exam.

When the exam starts

If you suffer any loss of prepared material, owing to the fact that you have failed to save or make safety copies, you must complete the exam regardless of the loss of data.

If you experience technical issues during the exam, the supplementary guidelines on digital oral examinations will tell you what to do.

Then you must follow the directions given by the examiner on how to proceed.

The disciplinary measures

SDU would like to clarify that a breach of the guidelines will be treated as any other breach of the “Rules regarding disciplinary measures for students at the Southern University of Denmark (SDU)”, from 1 May 2017.


Do you need support?

Contact Registration or Educational Law if you have any questions regarding the above mentioned rules. You can do this either via or by calling at 65501059 (between 10 a.m. and 12 a.m.).

Contact Student Services if you have questions about SU, Admission, SDU international, Syddansk Elite,  SPS and other services at SDU.

Contact the counselling at your studies if you need specific knowledge related to your study eg. knowledge about your study plan or how to write a dispensation application.

Contact the General Study counselling if you need guidance concerning general study topics such as study techniques, well-being or simply just find it hard to know who to go to with your questions.

Last Updated 07.02.2024