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Consequences of an exam irregularity

If an examination irregularity is found, you will receive a sanction ranging from a warning to a temporary or permanent expulsion from SDU. 

If the examination irregularity is discovered before you have received an assessment, your assignment will also be rejected from the assessment. If an examination irregularity is only discovered after you have received an assessment, your assessment will be cancelled. 

In addition, you will have used an examination attempt in the subject in question.

An examination irregularity never becomes obsolete. Therefore, as a student, you can be reported both before and after you have received an assessment of your performance at an exam. 

You can also be reported even if you have completed your education. If that is the case, in addition to having your assessment cancelled, your diploma will also be cancelled and your bachelor's or master's degree will be taken from you.

First-time offenses are sanctioned with an issued warning, as well as a refusal or cancellation of the assessment.

Second-time offenses are sanctioned with a suspension from the university in limited period of time, as well as a refusal or cancellation of the assessment.

Third-time offenses are sanctioned with a permanently expulsion from the university, as well as a refusal or cancellation of the assessment.

The circumstances of a case may cause first-time offences to be sanctioned with a temporary or a permanently expulsion from the university. Moreover, second-time offences may be sanctioned with a permanently expulsion from the university.

Proven cheating in connection with written in-situ examinations, where the student has either entered into a non-permitted collaboration with other students, or if the student has helped or received help from others are sanctioned with a suspension in limited period of time, may cause first-time offences to be sanctioned with a temporary suspension or a permanently expulsion from the university. Moreover, second-time offences proven in the above-mentioned examinations, may be sanctioned with a permanently expulsion from the university. This also applies to written in-situ examinations that are converted to an online format, where the only difference in the examination form is the physical location of the exam.

The reasons are that SDU considers it an aggravating circumstance if a student either choose to cooperate with others, or help/receive help during a probation test that aims to test the student in what he or she can do for a limited period of time.

Proven cheating in the form of unauthorized use of artificial intelligence may result in first-time offenses being sanctioned with a temporary or a permanently expulsion from the university. In continuation of this, second-time offences may be sanctioned with a permanently expulsion from the university.

Proven heating in the form of voluminous plagiarism or self-plagiarism may result in first-time offenses being sanctioned with a temporary or a permanently expulsion from the university. In continuation of this, second-time offences can be sanctioned with a permanently expulsion from the university.

Proven cheating committed during a final examination (bachelor’s project, final project, master’s thesis, etc.) may cause first-time offences to be sanctioned with a temporary or a permanently expulsion from the university. Moreover, second-time offences proven in the above-mentioned examinations, may be sanctioned with a permanently expulsion from the university.
Click on the link below to see information about the legal basis for SDU's handling of cases concerning examination irregularities. 
Read more here.


Last Updated 07.02.2024