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International Internship - How to do it

Even if you are considering taking the 5th semester abroad as an exchange student, you can consider an international internship. That way, you can spend a whole year abroad during your studies.

As a starting point, the internship follows the same rules and procedures that apply to internships in Denmark. However, be aware of the following:

Internship abroad

It is not certain that you will be able to find a paid internship abroad.

1. Check your SU.
2. Apply for an Erasmus grant if the internship is within the EU or the internationalization pool if the internship is overseas. In both cases, you must apply via SDU International once your internship contract has been approved and you have received an e-mail to this effect. Also consider applying for private grants. Most international companies support the interns financially in various ways and make it possible for students to spend a semester abroad.
1. Your home in Denmark: Consider renting it out temporarily through SDU Boligformidling.

2. Housing abroad: Ask your internship company if they can be helpful in finding housing.
Find out about your insurance conditions in good time, even if your internship is paid. Check if the company covers anything - you are NOT covered by SDU!

If the company does not cover any work injuries and other things, it is recommended that you take out insurance yourself against work injury, illness, accident and theft. Contact your insurance company. Make sure the insurance company is aware of you doing an internship. If you take out regular travel insurance, the insurance may not cover you as you are not on a holiday.
What kind of visa do I need? Contact the embassy of the country in which you will be staying. Talk to their representation in Denmark and find out what is needed. It may also be a good idea to ask if the company can help. For Australia and the US, you can expect longer issuance times than most other countries.
Contact your own doctor.


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Last Updated 03.10.2023