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Student associations at SDU Sønderborg

Associations at SDU Soenderborg

If you want to establish or register a student organisation at SDU, contact

The purpose of The Als Rocketry Club is to ignite and promote interest in rocket science and engineering for students, while promoting the development of student skills and competencies within the fields: rocket technology and space technology, project management and innovative and interdisciplinary technical development.

SDU Boardgames is organizing boardgame events in Sønderborg. Whether you like social party games or you’re more of a number-crunching puzzle solver, we want to offer you an opportunity to meet like-minded students and have some fun.

SDU Boardgames on Facebook:
Sphinx is a student organization for but not limited to Software Engineering students. Our mission is to help new Software Engineering students to integrate to the life at SDU campus. For this reason, we are creating a supportive and dynamic community, where members will be able to collaborate and partake in many different events, such as educational workshops, social gatherings, game nights, software oriented challenges and much more. As we are expanding, we plan to help software students to connect to study/ project groups and potential professional opportunities, to improve the academic life at SDU and have a smoother transition into a working life after the university.
Caféen is SDU Sønderborg’s one and true and only student bar. Our job is to make sure that you are going to stay well hydrated (almost) every Friday throughout the semester. Sometimes we also like to drink a beverage ourselves. If you want to meet our team, make sure to stop by sometime! 
Find us on Facebook.

The European Studies Community is an organisation which promotes the internal collaboration and communication between the European Studies students at the university.

Read more on our Facebook.


We are a youth organization that seeks to increase interest and knowledge of the European Union in Denmark. We are led by volunteers, so most of our events are planned and carried out on the basis of voluntary work from our members. The events include courses, debates, trips abroad and so much more!

Read more om our website or Facebook.

In addition to the study start events, Intro Team is also responsible for a wide range of events throughout the year.

If you want to hear more about the activities, follow the local calendar or check with HQ.

See more on the Intro team's website:

SDU D&D League is for students who want to have a close team spirit across semesters, create stories and improve their skills in social interactions, logical thinking, storytelling and planning. At SDU D&D League we care about the inclusion and social well-being of everyone in our association. Everyone is welcome, you don't need any knowledge about Dungeons & Dragons. We have a lot of motivated members who will make sure that you get a good experience, new as well as experienced players.

Our Facebook page is where you can find more information as well as about where and when we play.

SDU Model United.

Our goal is to create a network among all SDU campus cities, where students will learn and gain a better understanding of the world and its political issues by participating in Model United Nations through debate, research and team-work.


This organisation aims to support anything around music (playing, listening, etc.), any musician is free to come up with ideas and wishes.
As one of the newest student organizations, basically any initiative is welcome. From inviting professional musicians for tips & tricks/life stories/workshops at the musicschool, open music events (singing, jamming together at Mejeriet), supporting SDU bands (equipment, musical sheets,...), playing music in town on the street or in Alsion during lunch break, listening to music and attending concerts ... everything with rhythm and beat.

And what´s the best about music? It is multilingual – Music is understood across the world. So it is perfect for all International students ;)
Grab your instrument, your voice or/and ears and come along :)

See more on Facebook or Instagram.

SDU Sports is the umbrella organization for all sport groups at SDU Sønderborg. We are the contact for all students with interest in sports, but also for associations who want to offer try outs and other events. We offer support for our University sport teams for their regular and extracurricular activities, competitions and social events.

Sønderborg offers a huge amount of different sports in local clubs and university teams, such as:

  • Watersports: Sailing, Rowing, Swimming, Kajaking, SUP
  • Dancing: Salsa, Tango
  • Ball sports: Volleyball, Basketball, Handball, Floorball, Squash
  • Others: Yoga, Karate, Biking, Hiking

And soon a new branch will start: Chess 😊

So try it out and make new friends 😉

Occasionally, there´ll also be sports trips organized  for all students, like our one-week sailing trip in May 2023. 30 students were going on a tall ship for a sailing adventure on the Baltic Sea.

Click here to go to SDU Sport's Facebook page, where you can read more about the different activities and how to participate or visit our Instagram.

Silba Sønderborg is a local branch of Silba - Initiative for Dialogue and Democracy as a non-profit cross-political youth organization that works for democracy and bridge building. To read more, see Silba's homepage.

The aim of the organisation is to strengthen the bond between the students at SDU Sønderborg academically as well as socially. The aim of the organisation is to attend to the interests of the students and to represent the SDU students at SDU Sønderborg.

Read more on Facebook here.

Student Spoken Feminism offers a platform for discussions and exchange, where knowledge is shared, social events are organized and break down global news among other things related to feminism. On their page, you can engage through interactive stories, news updates, reflections on historical events and announcements on social and educational events.

Click here to go to Student Spoken Feminism's Facebook page, where you can read more about upcoming events and what they do.

Student associations across SDU's campusses

If you want to establish or register a student organisation at SDU, contact
This applies to both joint organisations and faculty organisations.

RUST is the student magazine, which is based in Odense. The magazine is also sent out to SDU’s other campuses.

Klimahave SDU
The Climate Garden community is for SDU’s students, staff and researchers, and the garden can thus be a gathering point for people from across studies and education programmes to meet and exchange ideas and thoughts about the topics below.
The purpose of the Climate Garden is to provide the framework for a community at SDU in which climate, environment, sustainability and biodiversity are the central focus.
In the Climate Garden community, there will be garden events and workshops with the world goals in focus. For a small fee, members can also rent their own pallet frame in the Climate Garden, which they can use to grow various herbs and vegetables. In addition, there will also be the opportunity to create initiatives such as insect hotels, beehives and permaculture beds. 

MIT Odense - The Association for Medical Innovation and Technology
Target audience: For students at SDU who seek to develop innovative, entrepreneurial, technological and management-oriented skills and engage in interdisciplinary work on solving societal and healthcare issues.
Purpose: The purpose of MIT Odense is to establish a network of students across disciplines who want to cultivate and facilitate a broad interdisciplinary community with a view to solving major issues affecting future society and the healthcare sector.
Vision: Health innovation is complex and requires skills from many disciplines. Our vision is to create a culture that is built on interdisciplinarity and innovation, thereby ensuring a space for people to meet across academic groups and get involved in technological development. In this way, we ensure need-driven innovation in which the need is based on how we can benefit society through development, validation and optimisation of these processes, including infrastructural/political changes that create a better framework for innovation and public-private collaboration. Hopefully, we will help shape the quality of research, increase the entrepreneurial attributes of students and build a bridge between academia and industry.
Activities: We offer lectures, workshops and events in collaboration with academics and industry that touch on innovation and interdisciplinarity. We also facilitate opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration and research, including opportunities for undergraduate and postgraduate projects.

Website (in Danish):

Nedenunder - Fredagsbaren på Campusvej
At over 800 m2, Nedenunder (which in English means ‘downstairs’) is probably Denmark’s largest Friday bar and is located at Entrance C on Campusvej 55. It is important for SDU that students have the opportunity to get to know each other across faculties, studies and year groups. For this reason, the bar was built in 2012 in a size that could accommodate all faculties on Campusvej. However, Nedenunder quickly became so popular that it was already having capacity problems when the Faculty of Engineering moved to Campusvej. As a result, the venue was greatly extended in 2017, so that there is again room for everyone.

Today, Nedenunder is the social gathering place where every Friday you can meet your fellow students from across the University’s many subject areas and where during the other six days of the week there are often other kinds of student events such as revues, stand-up, concerts, etc.

Find Nedenunder on Facebook or drop in with your fellow students the next time it’s open.

SDU Gaming
SDU Gaming is a collective social association for students from all University education programmes. We arrange gaming-related events. In addition, we help students find fellow players to strengthen the social community at SDU through gaming.

Find SDU Gaming on Facebook.

Syddanske Studerende
Syddanske Studerende is your student council at the University of Southern Denmark. They fight for the students’ cause on a daily basis and to create a safe environment, both socially and academically. Throughout the year, they organize many different types of events for the students. Among other things. The semester start party that every September helps kick off the semester properly. The study start fair, which shows students what opportunities they have both at and outside the university. Well-being week, which is a whole week with a focus on well-being, where there are communal meals, lectures and fun. In May, the annual Institute competition is held, where a day is set aside for competition and fun with your fellow students.

Read more at and keep up to date by following them on Facebook.

SDU Skiklub

We are an association run by snow-loving students. Our main job is to arrange ski trips for SDU students and their friends, partners and acquaintances. Our ski trips focus on quality and wide-ranging skiing and socialising. Therefore, we choose destinations that cater for every taste. Whether you are completely new to skiing, a true piste racer, a crazy freestyler or pro freerider, you are welcome! Because we travel to different places as SDU, we have a unique opportunity to get to know each other across education programmes. We therefore attach great importance to arranging events during the trips that create social relations between the travellers. This can be anything from guided piste tours and adventure races to pub crawls and club100.

Find SDU Skiklub on Facebook:

SDU Yogaklub

We want to create a yoga community for students, staff and alumni at SDU. This is in part because it is important for your health to check in with your body and mind – and not least to check in with your fellow human beings and surroundings in an atmosphere of acceptance and awareness. Yoga is a unique discipline that offers fundamental life values, reflective philosophy and physical practice. We would like to share the knowledge we have acquired through our study of yoga with you. We will give you the opportunity to integrate yoga into your own life, to the extent that you feel makes sense for you and your quality of life. Namaste.

Find SDU Yogaklub on Facebook:

Southern Danish Academic Hunting Association (SAJ)

The Southern Danish Academic Hunting Association (SAJ) is for students and staff at SDU with an interest in hunting and outdoor life. We want to promote hunting among young people, which we do through our hunting license course and various events. We have helped over 500 hunters attain their hunting license. At SAJ, the focus is on the social aspect of hunting, and we hold annual wild game dinners, fishing trips, working days, competitions and much more.

Find SAJ on Facebook:

 ESN Odense (Erasmus Student Network)

ESN works for the creation of a more mobile and flexible education environment by supporting and developing student exchange from different levels as well as providing an intercultural experience for students who cannot access a period abroad (‘internationalisation at home’).

Find ESN Odense on Facebook:

Frit Forum Odense

Frit Forum is a political student organisation with a distinct social democratic value base.

Visit the association’s website (in Danish):

Conservative Students (KS), Odense

Your right-wing student political organisation at SDU. We fight for free research and for SDU to be governed without political world goals, identity politics and so on. The association is for all right-wing students, and it is not a requirement to be active in youth politics outside the University. If you are right-wing minded, and if you want to help make the University more right-wing minded, join KS today.

Find KS on Facebook: 

Syddanske Studerende

Syddanske Studerende is your student council at the University of Southern Denmark. They fight for the students’ cause on a daily basis so that SDU has the best study environment in Denmark by promoting collaboration between various associations and their association networks, as well as their elected representatives in all councils and boards at SDU, who ply the association with the latest news and activities at all levels of the University.

Read more at and keep up to date by following them on Facebook.

Guide to ordering materials

Student associations have two options:

1) Student associations can order themselves from the Graphic Center (please note the in-voicing fee of DKK 125 ex. VAT)
Student associations can contact and order internally via the association’s contact. In this case, there is no charge.

To order via, please send an email containing the following:

  • What material is to be ordered (see webshop)
  • Specifications: quantity, size and image file, if applicable
  • Preferred date for collection from the Graphic Center
  • Which analysis number is to be invoiced

If you have any questions about the above, please contact

In connection with the student associations' planning and execution of social work activities, there are various units and staff at SDU Odense that may be relevant to get in touch with. If you want to know more, write to

Last Updated 11.09.2023