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Study start

Program intro days

Welcome to Business and Social Sciences

Congratulations and Welcome!

We are very much looking forward to welcoming you at SDU


Intro Days in August

We will help you get started with introduction days on Campus in week 35.
Here you will have the opportunity to meet your new fellow students and be introduced to both your academic and social life at SDU.

We hope to see you on Campus for all the intro days. If you are unable to attend, we would very much like to hear from you.

Report absence 



See the programme for Intro Days

The program may be updated, so remember to check this page regularly.

How to Uni

Once you have accepted your enrollment, you get access to SDU's e-learning platform itslearningHere you will find our online study start course How to Uni.

How to Uni is an online course that prepares you well for your studies at SDU.

The course functions as a study start test that is mandatory for all new BA students.

Read more about How to Uni and the Study Start Test.

Questions about study start?

Ask us here

Last Updated 04.07.2024