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Do you need a leave of absence from your studies?

Receiving a sabbatical leave from SDU

Here you can read about what you need to do, if you become ill, have a child, or need to apply for a sabbatical leave from your studies for a different reason. The rules for applying for sabbatical leave are the same whatever your reasons for doing so.

Downland the  complete code of practice concerning leave of absence. Please note that the Danish version of the code of practice has legal precedent.  

Sabbatical leave due to parental leave.

If you are applying for a sabbatical leave because of parental leave, then you can read more in the section about parental leave here.

Apply for an exemption instead of sabbatical leave

If you need a break from your studies, but do not want to take or are not eligible for a sabbatical leave, you can consider applying for an exemption from your study board instead. Read more about dispensations here.


Last Updated 07.02.2024