General Guidelines for Bachelor Project
Read about the details in the curriculum for your study programme - find it under "Programme Structure".
Read about library resources at the bottom of the page.
Process for the bachelor project
Notice that in order to participate in oral examination of the bachelor project, you must have passed the 6th semester internship test and the 7th semester Philosophy of Science test.
Information meeting
Attend the information meeting. Time and place will be announced here.
You will get a short introduction to writing a bachelor's project. You will also get information about the procedures in connection with choosing a subject, having a supervisor assigned, etc.
You may write the project as a group of two students or individually.
If you write as a group, you must hand in the form as a group.
At this point, you only need to hand in a working title for the project.
Later in the process, you must, in collaboration with your supervisor, agree on a preliminary problem statement (see number 4).
You must hand ind your wish for subject area and topics area as a group on the the digital form.
- If you hand in as a group, you must decide who creates the form. It is only the person creating the form who can later edit the form. Other groups members receive an email about changes in the form and must approve these. If they do not do so, the form will not move on in the work flow.
- The person creating the form needs the email address for the other group member to fill in the form.
- Notice that you at this stage can only fill in the fields for group members,working title and wish for supervisor. You can fill in the remaining field once you have received a supervisor.
- Notice that the form is not submitted until you click on "send" (save is not enough). Notice also that once you have created the form (clicked on "save"), you can no longer add or remove group members. Therefore - do not fill in the form until you know if you want to write alone or as a group and then know the other group member. If you need to make changes in the group composition you may contact the study administration until the deadline for filling in the form.
- If the form is rejected, you have to create a new form. You cannot edit in the form.
Deadline for registration for at topic is 1 May.
Register for this course as you do for other courses.
Deadline for submitting the supervisor agreement with your topic and working title for final approval (same form as used for registration of topic) is 15 September.
Use the same form as for handing in working title and wish for supervisor.
Use your supervisor wisely. Read about what can you expect from your supervisor and how you can get the most out of supervision (Which also includes students writing their bachelor project).
Be advised, that the bachelor project must comply to the formalities for written assignments.
The exact deadline for submission will appear in the schedule for exams.
Submission will be digitally only via SDU assignment in the course page in Blackboard.
Forms which must be submitted when you submit your bachelor project
- Digital form for giving in the title of bachelor's project and Master's thesis NOTICE that the title that you give here is the title that will appear on your diploma. NOTICE that the form to register for a supervisor is situation under item 3.
- Digital form for the library
If relevant:
Confidential disclosure agreement (send this form per email to the if your bachelor project includes confidential information and the exam must be held with closed doors).
Date for oral exam will appear in the schedule for exams.
Read about rules for this in the curriculum in the exam section under bachelor project.
From you can:
Search all library resources: Search articles, books and other materials.
See our Study guides: The library’s recommendations on books and links on how to study and write assignments/projects etc.
Find relevant databases in our Libguide: Company and Market Information. This Libguide gives you a good overview and links to the databases relevant for your topic.
Each semester we will offer you various workshops ”Find your literature”. Here we will help you find the best literature for your BA project. See dates and more information on Courses and Events.