Nedenfor kan du se de arrangementer, vi har i kalenderen de næste måneder. Hvis du ikke kan se nogle arrangementer, er det fordi vi ikke har flere dette semester. Vi kommer med nye arrangementer inden begyndelsen af hvert semester, så husk at komme tilbage og tilmelde dig.
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Get ready for your first job with Linak and Danfoss
Hvor: Sønderborg, Campus
Hvornår: 18.marts kl. 14:00 - 16:00
Sprog: English
In this event you will get the opportunity to meet HR- representatives from both Linak and Danfoss. We will talk about the recruitment process from a company perspective, and you will get a chance to ask questions.
How to approach a Ph.D.
Hvornår: 24.april kl. 13:45 - 16:00
Sprog: English
In this course you will be equipped with a lot of relevant knowledge about the Ph.D. path. Among other things, you will get info about what everyday life looks like.
Pop-up presentation: available jobs (part-time/full-time)
Hvor: Odense, Zone E
Hvornår: 07.maj kl. 10:00 - 12:30
Sprog: Dansk,English
Meet business consultants from Odense Municipality who have current job opportunities for both students and soon-to-be graduates.