Fioniavej 34, Odense M
11:15 - 12:15
DIAS event: 'Programming languages for a better world' by Fabrizio Montesi
If you could change the language(s) that people use, what would you do?
19:00 - 20:30
Workshop on Representation in/of AI with Fabian Offert
The Center for Culture and Technology, University of Southern Denmark and the research cluster “The Aesthetics of Biomachines and the Question of Life” (The Velux Foundations) invite you to join this exciting talk!This Is Your Brain on ImageNet": Embedding and Visual Epistemology – Fabian Offert (UCSB)"Embedding" is one of the most important techniques in the machine learning toolbox. Polemically, in natural language processing and computer vision, any useful knowledge is embedded knowledge. While the technique itself is hardly more than an advanced form of compression, it is the universality of embeddings that renders them interesting from an epistemological perspective: universal faculties – such as "seeing" in the case of computer vision, which I will focus on in this talk – are extrapolated from particular datasets and represented in an exclusively relational manner. Exactly because of their universality, embeddings live on, sometimes way beyond the lifespan of the datasets that they represent. "Historical" deep convolutional neural network features, for instance, still inform the training of newer generative models by ways of perceptual distance metrics that determine the realism of generated images. By becoming just another part of the training pipeline, however, they cease to appear as distinctive epistemic structures. More importantly, this "historical opacity" of embeddings obfuscates what I propose to understand as a major epistemic shift: scientific knowledge, at least if it relates to the visual, is often generated with the help of cultural data. Embeddings, then, can be seen as a cultural technique, and as a trading zone that spans, surprisingly, not only branches of the natural sciences, but the sciences and the humanities.Fabian Offert is Assistant Professor for the History and Theory of the Digital Humanities at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and principal investigator of the international research project "AI Forensics", funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. His research and teaching focuses on the question how machine learning models represent culture and what is at stake – aesthetically and politically – when they do. His current book project investigates "Machine Visual Culture" in the age of foundation models. linkRegistration is not necessary.Please contact: [email][/email] for additional info.
Tilmeldingsfrist: 08.11.2024
Fioniavej 34, Odense M
09:00 - 17:00
Science Facts/Fictions (SFF): Science Fiction, Robotics Engineering and Policy
SFF invites discussion on the interchange between AI, robot science, and science fiction. The event takes place at the DIAS Seminar Room.
Tilmeldingsfrist: 08.11.2024
Fioniavej 34, Odense M
09:00 - 17:00
Science Facts/Fictions (SFF): Science Fiction, Robotics Engineering and Policy
SFF invites discussion on the interchange between AI, robot science, and science fiction. The event takes place at the DIAS Seminar Room.
Campusvej 55, Odense M
15:15 - 16:00
IMADA Talks!
Vil du vide, hvad der foregår bag kulisserne på IMADA?Kom og vær med til 2 x 20 min. inspirerende foredrag, mens du nyder en gratis "afslappet after-work" øl med dine medstuderende, kollega eller lærer.Oplægsholderne er lektor Jing Qin (»AcuteX: Konsekvenser af ekstreme klimahændelser for akutte hospitalsydelser i Danmark«) og Kommunikationsmedarbejder Ursula Lundgreen Svane (»Kommunikation på LinkedIn i 2024«).
Fioniavej 34, Odense M
11:15 - 12:15
DIAS event: Center for Subjectivity Research 2002-2024
Center for Subjectivity Research at the University of Copenhagen was established in 2002 on the basis of a grant from the Danish National Research Foundation (Danmarks Grundforskningsfond). Its three founders were a philosopher, a psychiatrist, and a professor of systematic theology. Since then, it has had more than 80 employees, attracted more than 250 guest researchers, and secured external funding in excess of 140.000.000 DKK. Currently, its staff involves people with a background in philosophy, psychiatry, sociology, anthropology, and criminology. In my talk, I will outline the history of the center, present some of its distinctive features, and discuss how it over the years has facilitated interdisciplinary collaboration.About Dan ZahaviDan Zahavi is Professor of Philosophy and director of the Center for Subjectivity Research at the University of Copenhagen. Zahavi’s primary research area is phenomenology and philosophy of mind, and their intersection with empirical disciplines such as psychiatry, psychology, and anthropology. In addition to various scholarly works on the phenomenology of Husserl, Zahavi has mainly written on the nature of selfhood, self-consciousness, intersubjectivity, empathy, and most recently on topics in social ontology. His most important publications include Self-awareness and Alterity (1999/2020), Husserl’s Phenomenology (2003), Subjectivity and Selfhood (2005), The Phenomenological Mind (together with Shaun Gallagher) (2008/2012/2021), Self and Other (2014), Husserl’s Legacy (2017), Phenomenology: The Basics (2019), and Being We (forthcoming in 2025). His work has been translated into more than 30 languages.
Fioniavej 34, Odense M
11:15 - 12:15
DIAS event: The Future of Archives in the Digital Age
The digital revolution has transformed the way we create, preserve, and access information, reshaping the role of archives in society.This talk explores the potential future of archives in the digital age, using one of the oldest philosophical archives and research institutes for philosophy in Germany – the Husserl Archives Cologne – as an example. Drawing on insights from phenomenology and digital humanities, it examines how digitalization challenges traditional notions of permanence, authenticity, and ownership. How do virtual repositories affect the human experience of accessibility and historical continuity? What implications does this have for cultural memory? About Thiemo BreyerThiemo Breyer is Professor of Phenomenology and Anthropology at the University of Cologne, where he also serves as Director of the Husserl Archives. He holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Freiburg and an M.Phil. in Social Anthropology from the University of Cambridge. He was visiting professor in Kyoto, Mainz, Milano, and Montreal, and research fellow at Harvard University. His research interests within the broader field of consciousness studies include affectivity, attention, embodiment, empathy, and memory. Venue: DIAS Auditorium Address: Fioniavej 34, 5230 OdenseOpen for all
14:00 - 15:00
Find det rigtige studiejob eller praktikforløb med SDU's jobbank
Find det rigtige studiejob eller praktikforløb med SDU's jobbank Er du på jagt efter et spændende studiejob, en relevant praktik*, eller en organisation, du kan inddrage i dit speciale eller en anden opgave? Eller er du måske bare lidt nysgerrig på, hvad der er af spændende job- og samarbejdsmuligheder for dig som studerende? Så er det her webinar lige noget for dig! I løbet af 45 minutter får du … [list][*]Introduktion til hvordan du bruger SDU’s jobbank bedst muligt, herunder gennemgang af jobbankens funktioner samt opsætning af profil og jobagent [/list][list][*]Tips til hvad du kan gøre, hvis du ikke liiige finder det, du er på jagt efter i jobbanken [/list][list][*]Hacks til at ansøgning og CV, herunder anbefaling af programmer [/list]*Her dækker ”praktik” både over ”Projektorienteret forløb” og ”Virksomhedsprojekt”. Forberedelse [list][*]Log ind på SDU’s jobbank på med dit studenterlogin. [/list] Lidt praktisk info [list][*]Uanset hvilket studie og semester, du går på, er du velkommen. [/list][list][*]Du kan logge på webinaret fra kl. 14:00, men oplægget går først i gang kl. 14:15. [/list][list][*]Webinaret bliver ikke optaget. [/list]
Fioniavej 34, Odense M
11:15 - 12:00
DIAS Event: 'The Fertility Drop Puzzle' by Gøsta Esping-Andersen
Why is there a sudden and sharp drop in births occurring in so many countries in the 2010-20 decade?