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Skab din egen prototype

  • 3D-printer course

    Hvor: Odense, Videnbyen - MakerSpace

    Hvornår: 13.februar   kl. 12:30 - 14:00

    Sprog: Dansk,English

    In this hands-on course you will learn how to operate the 3D printers in MakerSpace. You will learn the guidelines of how to use MakerSpace and discover the opportunities of creating prototypes.

  • Vinyl Cutter / Cutter Printer Course

    Hvor: Odense, Videnbyen - MakerSpace

    Hvornår: 20.februar   kl. 09:30 - 11:00

    Sprog: Dansk,English

    In this hands-on course you will learn how to operate the vinyl cutter and printer machines in MakerSpace. You will learn the guidelines of how to use MakerSpace and discover the opportunities of creating prototypes.

  • 3D-printer course

    Hvor: Odense, Videnbyen - MakerSpace

    Hvornår: 20.februar   kl. 12:30 - 14:00

    Sprog: Dansk,English

    In this hands-on course you will learn how to operate the 3D printers in MakerSpace. You will learn the guidelines of how to use MakerSpace and discover the opportunities of creating prototypes.

  • Laser cutter course

    Hvor: Odense, Videnbyen - MakerSpace

    Hvornår: 26.februar   kl. 12:30 - 14:00

    Sprog: English

    In this hands-on course you will learn how to operate the laser cutter in MakerSpace. You will learn the guidelines of how to use MakerSpace and discover the opportunities of creating prototypes.

  • 3D-printer course

    Hvor: Odense, Videnbyen - MakerSpace

    Hvornår: 27.februar   kl. 09:30 - 11:00

    Sprog: Dansk,English

    In this hands-on course you will learn how to operate the 3D printers in MakerSpace. You will learn the guidelines of how to use MakerSpace and discover the opportunities of creating prototypes.

  • Laser cutter course

    Hvor: Odense, Videnbyen - MakerSpace

    Hvornår: 05.marts   kl. 12:30 - 14:00

    Sprog: English

    In this hands-on course you will learn how to operate the laser cutter in MakerSpace. You will learn the guidelines of how to use MakerSpace and discover the opportunities of creating prototypes.

  • Vinyl Cutter / Cutter Printer Course

    Hvor: Odense, Videnbyen - MakerSpace

    Hvornår: 06.marts   kl. 12:30 - 14:00

    Sprog: Dansk,English

    In this hands-on course you will learn how to operate the vinyl cutter and printer machines in MakerSpace. You will learn the guidelines of how to use MakerSpace and discover the opportunities of creating prototypes.

  • Health Tech Innovator 2025

    Hvor: Odense, Torvet i Videnbyen

    Hvornår: 08.marts kl. 09:00   15.maj kl. 18:00

    Sprog: Dansk

    Løs problemer i sundhedssektoren med teknologi! Et tilbud til studerende på Sund og Tek med interesse for sundhed, forskning, teknologi og innovation.

  • Sewing and overlocker course

    Hvor: Odense, Videnbyen - MakerSpace

    Hvornår: 10.marts   kl. 12:30 - 14:30

    Sprog: Dansk,English

    Want to learn how to thread a sewing machine and learn the basics of sewing so you can get started on your own projects?

  • Laser cutter course

    Hvor: Odense, Videnbyen - MakerSpace

    Hvornår: 12.marts   kl. 12:30 - 14:00

    Sprog: English

    In this hands-on course you will learn how to operate the laser cutter in MakerSpace. You will learn the guidelines of how to use MakerSpace and discover the opportunities of creating prototypes.

SDU RIO Syddansk Universitet

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230

Sidst opdateret: 10.06.2024