Lektor, ph.d. Jane Hjarl Petersen
Jane Hjarl Petersen is a classical archaeologist (MA in
Greek archaeology in 2003 from the University of Aarhus). From 2003 she
was employed at the Danish Research Foundations Centre for Black Sea
Studies at the University of Aarhus where she defended her PhD
dissertation in 2007 (Cultural Interactions and Social Strategies on the
Pontic Shores. Burial Customs in the Northern Black Sea Area ca.
550-270 BC). The dissertation was published as a monograph in the series
Black Sea Studies in 2010
In 2010 she established a research network concerned with the study of
materiality of identities and their negotiation across and beyond the
Mediterranean region: AVADIN (http://artefact.saxo.ku.dk/) together with
Kristina Winther-Jacobsen, SAXO institute, Copenhagen and John Lund,
The Danish National Museum. In 2012 she received The Queen Margrethe II
postdoctoral fellowship based at the Danish Academy in Rome. During her
employment at SDU she is affiliated with the Danish Academy in Rome and
is currently undertaking a research project on Death and Identity in
Ostia - A study of funerary material and cultural diversity in the port
city of Rome (http://www.acdan.it/projekter/petersen_ostia.html).
Jane has a keen interest in field work and has participated
in excavations and field projects in Italy, Cyprus and the Black Sea
region. Her main areas of research include Burial archaeology, The
interaction between culturally diverse populations, Identity and gender
studies, Terracotta and coroplastics studies, Hellenistic and late
Hellenistic ceramics, reception and consumption.
Lektor, ph.d. Marcel Lysgaard Lech
Mit navn er Marcel Lysgaard Lech. Jeg er PhD i klassisk
græsk ved Københavns Universitet og har været lektor i Klassisk græsk og
Oldtidskundskab siden 2012 på SDU. Mit forskningsfelt er græsk drama og
teatrets historie. Jeg vejleder gerne i de fleste emner inden for
klassisk græsk litteratur, men er stærkest inden for tragedie, komedie,
filosofi (Platon, Kynisme, epikuræisme), retorik og lyrik. Jeg oversætter
flittigt fra græsk til dansk, og har deltaget i Gyldendals Samlede
Platon med dialogerne Ion og Lovene (første bog). Desuden har jeg medoversat Aischylos’ Syv mod Theben og Sofokles’ Filoktet (under forberedelse). I øjeblikket arbejder jeg på en nyoversættelse af Euripides’ Medea. På BA-niveau underviser jeg normalt i fagene Epos, Athens litteratur og Kultur samt videnskabsteori 1 & 2.
Studieadjunkt, ph.d. Lærke Andersen
Cand.mag. i klassisk filologi fra SDU 2009, ph.d. fra SDU i 2014. Jeg har undervist på SDU siden 2009; primært i de propædeutiske sprogfag, latin og oldgræsk. I 2022 blev jeg fastansat som studieadjunkt, hvilket betyder, at jeg ikke er ansat som forsker, men som fuldtidsunderviser. Jeg skrev ph.d. om visdomsudtryk i en byzantinsk kommentar til Iliaden og Odysseen og har også siden plejet interessen for visdomsudtryk. Blandt andet jeg i gang med at oversætte en ordsprogssamling fra oldgræsk til dansk, hvilket jeg forhåbentlig en skønne dag bliver færdig med. Jeg har derudover en forkærlighed for græsk poesi og for forfatteren Lukians satiriske prosa.
Associate professor, PhD
Réka Forrai
I have a degree in classical philology from Babes-Bolyai University (Cluj, Romania) and I have a PhD in Medieval Studies from Central European University (Budapest, Hungary). My teaching and supervising expertise lies in Hellenistic literature, Latin literature (both ancient and medieval) and Reception Studies. I am interested in the social, political, religious embeddedness of literary activity, and in particular that of translation as a way of creating new texts and ultimately, new canons. My main research expertise lies in the field of Greek to Latin translations in the Middle Ages.
Professor, ph.d. Jesper Majbom Madsen
Kandidat i Historie, Syddansk Universitet 2000.
Ph.d. Aarhus Universitet 2006.
Ansættelser: Post doc ved Grundforskningscenteret i
Sortehavsstudier ved Aarhus Universitet, 2006. Adjunkt i antikhistorie,
Institut for Historie, Kultur og Samfundsbeskrivelse, Syddansk
Universitet 2006-2010.
Lektor i antikhistorie, Institut for Historie, Syddansk Universitet 2011-.
Detaljeret CV.
Professor, ph.d. Lars Boje Mortensen
Born 1958, currently Professor of Ancient an Medieval
Cultural History, Dept. of History, University of Southern Denmark
(Odense); head of the Centre for Medieval Literature (Odense and York,
After my training in classical and medieval Latin philology
(Copenhagen) I published both within editorial philology and literary
aspects of medieval and renaissance Latin texts. My PhD dealt with early
medieval historiography in Italy; chronicles from Antiquity to the
Renaissance, in their highly different historical contexts, have been a
major field of research since then. I had the opportunity to pursue
manuscript studies in major European libraries which brought a
book-historical dimension to my work; this has in turn shaped my view of
pre-print texts.
After my appointment as professor of medieval Latin at the
University of Bergen (1992), I gradually moved into the field of saints’
lives and saints’ cults, thus opening my studies more towards sociology
of religion and sociology of learning. I also became interested in the
rich Old Norse literature and the dynamics holding between the Latin and
vernacular in Europe in general. At Bergen, I formed part of a
Norwegian Centre of Excellence in 2003 and a similar Nordic Centre in
2005 in which I began to explore, with various international research
groups and on my own, new ways of writing literary history. In 2007 I
moved to my current post in Odense (SDU) for teaching medieval history
and ancient literature in translation and in Latin. I continued to be
occupied with the interdisciplinary field of large scale literary
history and its problematic relations to the fields of history and
comparative literature; together with Elizabeth Tyler (York) I
established the international group Interfaces. Through this
collaboration and with my SDU byzantinist colleague Christian Høgel, the
Centre for Medieval Literature (CML, Odense/York) emerged in 2012
thanks to a long-term grant from the Danish National Research
Foundation. The ambition of CML is to contribute to a theoretical
framework for integrating the study of the European Medieval
Literatures. Part of my own work within CML is a study about
meritocratic values in literature from Antiquity to the High Middle