Jeg arbejder bredt med transport, produktion og omsætning af organisk materiale og næringsstoffer i akvatiske miljø.
Det inkluderer blandt andet:
- Primær produktion i havis og sedimenter
- Mikrobiel omsætning i sedimenter fra kystzonen til de største dybder i oceanerne
- Omsætning og dynamik i synkende partikler
- Zooplankton og stof omsætning
- Eeffekter af temperatur, hydrostatisk tryk, vandflow for udveksling og omsætning af materiale
- Sediment re-suspension
- Betydning af faunaadfærd for materialiseringsprocesser og stofudveksling
- Biogeokemi
- Mikrobiologi
- Klimaforandringer
- Mikrosensorer
- Dybhav
- Sedimenter
- Marin sne
- Fotosyntese
- Undervandsrobotter
Eksempler på tidligere specialeprojekter
- Mixotrophy in the polar night (igangværende)
- The influence of Mya arenaria on microbial metabolism in marine sediments (2017)
- Impact of the seaurchin Echniocardium cordatum on oxygen distribution in sediments and the biogeochemical consequences (2017)
- Accumulation of nitrate in marine diatoms: An investigation across taxonomic and functional groups (2017)
- Temperature effects on O2 dynamics in benthic microalgae communities (2015)
- Nitrous oxide emissions from intertidal macrofauna (2015)
- Influence of agrochemical on freshwater algae communities (2014)
- Characterization of a newly discovered egg type from calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa (2013)
- Temperature and benthic oxygen dynamics (2013)
- Benthic carbon turn-over in sea ice and sediments as studied by the eddy covariance technique (2012)
- Seasonal dynamics in benthic metabolism in a subarctic fjord (2012)
- O2 dynamics in artificial and natural sea ice: influence by algae, bacteria and physical processes (2009)
- O2 dynamics in artificial and natural sea ice: influence by algae, bacteria and physical processes II (2009)
- Biogeochemistry in Marine sediments (2009)
- Seaice in Kobbefjord (west Greenland); a study on sea-ice algae, primary production and nutrient dynamics (2006)
- Production and dynamics of benthic virus and bacteria – a seasonal study (2005)
- Marine benthic virus: studies on seasonal changes and spatial variations and virus –host interactions in Øresund (2005)
- The microbial loop during spring blooms in the Arctic (2005)
- The effect on Thyrasia sp. on C and S cycling in costal sediments (2005)
- Effect of sedimenting aggregates and plant root oxygen leakage (2004)
- Temperature dependence of respiration and photosynthesis in two benthic diatom communities (2001)
- Importance of brittlestars (amphiura filiformis) for benthic carbon and oxygen dynamics (2000)
Mulige kommende bachelor- og specialeprojekter
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