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Cintia Organo Quintana


My research covers topics from species-specific effects of benthic marine invertebrates, such as polychaetes, bivalves and crustaceans, to ecosystem level responses to diverse disturbances (e.g. pollution, hypoxia, eutrophication, physical stress, climate change and bioengineering solutions for restoration of coastal habitats).

This includes studies on ecology of individual species, bioturbation, multi-species effects, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (i.e. degradation of organic matter and regeneration of nutrients, C, N and P cycling). 

Kontakt Cintia Organo Quintana


  • Benthic fauna
  • Bioturbation
  • Sediment biogeochemistry
  • Ecosystem functioning
  • Tropical and temperate coastal ecosystems

Eksempler på tidligere bachelor- og specialeprojekter

  • Benthic fauna effect on sediment biogeochemistry after one of the largest mine dam accidents in Brazil (igangværende)
  • Climate change and evaluation of greenhouse gas emissions after managed coastal realignment of agricultural land (2018)
  • Gyldensteen Kystlagune: ”Udviklingen i C, N og P puljer i landbrugsjord ved Gyldensteen efter oversvømmelse med havvand” (2018)
  • Populationsundersøgelse af blåmuslinger (Mytilus edulis) i Gyldensteen Kystlagune (2018)

Mulige kommende bachelor- og specialeprojekter

  • Succession of benthic fauna communities in Gyldensteen Strand. The goal is to investigate the seasonal and interannual variations of the benthic communities in relation to environmental conditions in the lagoon.
  • Bioturbation impact of dominant polychaete species in Gyldensteen Strand. The goal is to understand the role of these animals in organic matter degradation and biogeochemical processes.
  • Benthic fauna biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in Odense Fjord. The aim is to categorize the benthic fauna into functional trait groups and relate them with measures of ecosystem functionality, i.e. fluxes of O2, CO2 and nutrients.

Studievejlederne Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet Syddansk Universitet

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Telefon: +45 6550 4387

Sidst opdateret: 01.05.2024