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Want to join SDU’s cool startup environment?

We want to ensure you a good start with us from where you’re at in your startup process. Therefore, we have created two tracks to support every startup in their needs.
Read more about who can apply, the two tracks, when, and where in the text below.

The PreLaunch Program is your first step into our cool environment!

This intro program will help you set up your initial business strategy as a preparation to join the SDU Entrepreneurship Labs.

In the PreLaunch, you will work with different subjects to develop your business idea, such as knowing your customers, validating your customers' needs and wishes, prototyping, how to build the team you need, and getting an overview of the different components in your business strategy.
It will all take place through a series of workshops facilitated by business developers from the SDU Entrepreneurship Labs.

Who can apply?

No matter whether you have worked with your idea for several months or just discovered a problem, we're ready to bring you forward, as long as...

... Your team has at least one SDU student or one alumni who has graduated from SDU within the last four months.

... You have identified a potential need/problem

... You want to commercialize your idea.

Which track should I enroll in?

We have two tracks: The First-timer and the Up ’n Running track.

First-timer is for you who are at the very beginning of your business idea. Here, we will guide you through the important, first steps of the startup process.
This track includes three workshops and a Business Pitch:

  • Workshop 1: Intro to our environment & User Research
  • Workshop 2: Prototype & User Test
  • Workshop 3: Team Composition, Business Model, and Global Goals
  • Pitch your idea in front of a panel, who will bring your idea forward

For all the workshops and the pitch session, attendance is mandatory.

In Up 'n Running, you will be conditionally enrolled in Startup Station, our next step, where you will get and individual feedback from one of our business developers and 24/7 access to our building.

Up ‘n Running is for you if:

At least half of the members have completed at least one entrepreneurial course. Furthermore, we expect that you have performed at least one of the following:

  • Have validated the business idea with potential customers.
  • Have tested a mockup with potential customers.
  • Have made your first sale already.

Each applicant for Up 'n running will be evaluated individually beforehand, based on these criteria.

This track includes one workshop and a pitch session:

  • Workshop 1: Intro to our environment
  • Pitch your idea in front of a panel, who will bring your idea forward

For the workshop and the pitch session, attendance is mandatory.


PreLaunch is organized three times a year and each batch lasts eight weeks. Check the next PreLaunch dates here:


Batch 15 - Application deadline: 22nd of October 2023

Workshop 1: 24th of October at 16.00-19.00

Workshop 2: 15th of November at 15.00-19.00

Workshop 3: 05th of December at 15.00-19.00

Business Panel: 14th of December at 16.30-19.30


Batch 16 - Application deadline: 04th of February 2024

Workshop 1: 06th of February at 15.00-18.00

Workshop 2: 27th of February at 15.00-19.00

Workshop 3: 12th of March at 15.00-19.00

Business Panel: 21th of March at 16.30-19.30


Batch 17 - Application deadline: 01th of April 2024

Workshop 1: 04th of April at 15.00-18.00

Workshop 2: 23th of April at 15.00-19.00

Workshop 3: 14th of May at 15.00-19.00

Business Panel: 23th of May at 16.30-19.30


Too long for the next start of PreLaunch?

If you want help sooner than the start of the next PreLaunch offer, please swing by for the sparring sessions that we throw:

Autumn sparring session: 13th of September at 15.00-17.00

Spring sparring session: 09th of May at 15.00-17.00



All the activities will take place in Videnbyen, Cortex Park 26, 5230 Odense M.
It’s on your way home from the university, so no worries!


How to apply

Fill in your personal information (only set up one business case for your whole team)

  • Invite your team members so they can fill in their personal information too
  • Fill out the categories ’Purpose’, ’Resources’ & ’Business Idea’

That’s it! Apply here!

What’s after the PreLaunch

After finishing the PreLaunch, you will be fully enrolled in our next step, Startup Station. Read more about that here.

How to apply?

Fill in your personal information (only set up one business case for your whole team) -- Invite your team members so they can fill in their personal information too -- Fill out the categories ’Purpose’, ’Resources’ & ’Business Idea’ -- That’s it!

Apply here

SDU RIO University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230

Last Updated 22.08.2023