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Fagpakker efterår 2017

Hvert efterårssemester ud bydes et antal fagpakker. Hver fagpakke består af tre politologiske valgfag, der tilsammen udgør 30 ECTS. Fagpakkerne giver mulighed for at specialisere sig på sin kandidatuddannelse. Undervisningen i de fag, der indgår i fagpakken er koordineret. Det giver mulighed for en meget høj grad af faglig fordybelse. En fagpakke kan derfor også bruges som afsæt for specialet, der ifølge studieplanen skal påbegyndes i løbet af 3. semester – normalt i løbet af et efterårssemester.

Ud over den faglige specialisering giver fagpakkerne sikkerhed for, at du opfylder en række af de administrative krav til din kandidatuddannelse: Hver fagpakke indeholder nemlig ét seminarfag, ét metodefag og ét fag med ekstern censur. Så skal du blot sikre dig, at du på de øvrige semestre får to seminarfag (á 10 ECTS).

Alle de fag, der indgår i fagpakkerne, kan også læses enkeltvis.

I efteråret 2017 udbydes følgende fagpakker:

Multilevel Democracy
Democracy and Globalization
Researching Democracy: Concepts and Methods

Politisk psykologi
Political Psychology, Personality and Emotions  - Faget er desværre aflyst pga. for få tilmeldinger
Psychological and social bases of ideology and political attitude formation  - Faget er desværre aflyst pga. for få tilmeldinger
Advanced Applied Statistics

Social Inequality

The class cleavage has been an important element in the development of all modern democracies. For some years, there is an intense debate about the decline or transformation of the social and political relevance of class (see BA lecture Sociology). This has to do, inter alia, with growing social mobility, individualism, the expansion of service sector occupations and a weaker link between political parties and social groups. In this course, students are introduced to the complex debates about the transformation of class conflicts as well as its relevance for voting behavior, party politics, and inequality. After comparing different conceptions of class, we will engage with debates that are at the core of contemporary political science (such as the re-alignment of the working class towards the radical right).

Class Conflict in the 21st Century - Faget er desværre aflyst pga. for få tilmeldinger
Ethnic and gender discrimination in European Societies
Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Inequality Research (Specialized Methods)

Global Security Trends
The package is designed to introduce the student to a security agenda similar to the one faced by the main international actors today. The student will be introduced to a broad framework for understanding and researching contemporary conflicts and then to two pressing issues on the international agenda: security cooperation in the Arctic and the challenge of intervening to rebuild fragile states and societies in the course called Humanitarian Intervention and the Building of Peace. These two issues relate to the global north and the global south, roughly speaking. Within this broad course framework, the student will have the opportunity to  work in depth with a theme of own choosing--in one or two research papers (seminar opgave).

Arctic Security
The study of Contemporary Conflicts
Humanitarian Intervention and Peace Building

(Public Administration)
Advanced Applied Statistics  
Videregående offentlig organisation, styring og ledelse
At håndtere budgetpres i den offentlige sektor: Organisationsforandringer, ledelse og motivation



Sidst opdateret: 18.08.2022