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Follow-up on SDU’s support for Ukraine

SDU and the other universities in Denmark distinguish between individuals and institutions when suspending cooperation with Russia and Belarus.

On 3 March 2022, SDU, together with the other universities in Denmark, announced that it condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and therefore has decided to suspend all cooperation with governmental institutions in Russia and Belarus.

The announcement has given rise to questions about which forms of cooperation will be suspended and which ones will continue.

SDU distinguishes between cooperation entered into bilaterally between SDU and governmental institutions in Russia and Belarus (which will be suspended), and cooperation between SDU or employees at SDU with individuals/citizens from Russia and Belarus (which may continue).

Regarding students:

SDU has entered into a number of bilateral agreements with institutions in Russia, such as on the exchange of students between Denmark and Russia. As of the next semester, the agreements will be suspended. This means that Danish students cannot travel to Russia on an exchange stay that is based on the agreements. Likewise, Russian students cannot travel to SDU based on the agreements. SDU will not enter into new bilateral institutional agreements with universities in Russia or Belarus.

Students from Russia who are doing a semester at SDU, based on an exchange agreement between SDU and a Russian university, may continue their stay at SDU until the end of the semester.

Applicants from Russia or Belarus who are applying for one of SDU’s programmes of their own accord will be considered as individuals, and applications will be treated on an equal footing with applications from other countries.

Regarding research:  

Similarly, SDU has suspended bilateral institutional research agreements between SDU and institutions in Russia and Belarus.

Employees at SDU who have research relations with researchers or colleagues from Russia or Belarus may continue the collaboration, for example on specific research projects or publication of research results.

SDU’s decision to suspend all cooperation with the governments of both Russia and Belarus is not directed at the people of Russia or Belarus.

As a university, SDU is concerned with treating students and staff properly and respectfully, regardless of nationality and background.

Students and staff in need of support and assistance

Employees at SDU with relations to Ukraine, Russia or Belarus are welcome to contact their immediate manager, union representative or SDU HR if they need support and help.

Students at SDU with relations to Ukraine, Russia or Belarus are welcome to contact Student Services at +45 6550 1050 or their faculty if they need support and help.

Read press releases

The joint press release from the eight Danish universities about their condemnation of the Russian invasion of Ukraine:

On Tuesday 1 March, Jesper Petersen, the Minister for Higher Education and Science, issued a press release calling to suspend any educational, research and innovation cooperation with institutions in Russia and Belarus (in English):

Editing was completed: 10.03.2022