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Withdrawal from courses and exams

Unregister from Course Element (Teaching and Exam)

You can unregister from a course element. From the start of the semester (spring semester February 1 / autumn semester September 1) and for 21 days, you can unregister from a course element if you regret your registration.

Read this guide on how to unregister from a course element.

Restrictions on Unregistering

There may be course elements that you cannot unregister from. This may be due to one of the following reasons:

- Your program has decided that it is not possible to unregister from the course element. This information will be stated in the course description.

- You have been automatically registered for the course element by the university. This information will be stated in your student email.

- Participation in teaching is the exam for the course element. This information will be stated in the course description.

- It is the thesis that you are trying to unregister from.

What if the three-week deadline has passed?

After the 21 days, you can no longer unregister from a course element. If you wish to unregister from a course element, you can apply to your study board for permission to do so.

Unregistering and Used Exam Attempts

If you have used exam attempts in an exam, you can unregister from the teaching, but you should be aware that you must complete the course element at a later time.

Registering for a New Course Element

During the same period that you unregister, you can also register for a new course element if the relevant course element appears on the list of course elements in the student self-service. See more here.


Do you need support?

Contact Registration or Educational Law if you have any questions regarding the above mentioned rules. You can do this either via or by calling at 65501059 (between 10 a.m. and 12 a.m.).

Contact Student Services if you have questions about SU, Admission, SDU international, Syddansk Elite,  SPS and other services at SDU.

Contact the counselling at your studies if you need specific knowledge related to your study eg. knowledge about your study plan or how to write a dispensation application.

Contact the General Study counselling if you need guidance concerning general study topics such as study techniques, well-being or simply just find it hard to know who to go to with your questions.

Last Updated 07.02.2024