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Pratical issues

Coming to Denmark

All EMTM students are guaranteed accommodation in Kolding.

Usually, a room will be assigned to you during the month of July and will be available to you as of 15 August. There are different rooms and thus different prices, so you cannot expect that the size of your rent is the same as your fellow students’.

We are continuously trying to distribute the rooms in the fairest way possible. You can read more about accommodation in Kolding here.

However, please notice that the application deadline stated under the above-mentioned link does not apply to EMTM students – accommodation will be automatically assigned to you and you will receive information about it from the accommodation office.

Under “Buddy system”, you will find information on how to get the keys to your room.

The accommodation officer will be present in connection with the introduction days, and all questions related to accommodation should be directed to him. You will find his contact information under the above-mentioned link. 

You can arrive in Kolding by bus, train or car. Read more about the various ways in the welcome guide. A buddy will be picking you up at either the university, the train station or the bus station. Read more about the buddy system below.

At SDU Kolding, we have a buddy system in which current students voluntarily pick you up upon arrival in Kolding, brings the key to your room and the tenancy agreement, takes you to your new home, and makes sure that you are settled in alright. The buddy also assists in all other kinds of practical issues that you may have. The contact information on the buddy who was assigned to you is stated in the welcome e-mail that we send you during the month of July.

The above-mentioned buddy is not the same as the buddy to which you have been assigned from the EMTM secretariat (another EMTM student).

You can read more about the buddy system here.

During the month of July, we send out a welcome e-mail to you. Please study it carefully, as you will find a lot of useful information on study start, buddy, accommodation, arrival, course registration, exams etc.

Upon your arrival, your buddy will bring you a welcome folder containing, among other things, your tenancy agreement and the keys to your room, the below-mentioned welcome guide and other practical documents (some of which you have to fill in and return to us).

Our welcome guide contains a lot more useful information. Please check it out here.

The welcome guide will be included in your welcome folder in hard copy.

Upon arrival (and no later than 5 working days after arrival), students of non-EU nationality must apply for entry into Denmark.

You will receive an e-mail from us, in which we will let you know where to go and what to bring. You can ask your buddy to take you there. Upon registration with the municipality, you will get your Danish CPR number and your NemID (read more about the importance of this in the welcomWelcome-guide-for-international-students-at-SDU-Koldinge guide).

When you get your CPR number, it is very important that you fill in the form in your welcome folder and returns it to room 21.55, as we need to register your Danish CPR number in our systems.

EU registration

Students of EU nationality must apply for an EU registration certificate, which is required in order to apply for entry into Denmark. Student Services SDU Kolding arranges a meeting in Kolding, where the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI) will be present to receive your application. You will receive an e-mail with further instructions. It is of the utmost importance that you are there at the meeting, as it is, by far, the fastest way to get your EU registration certificate and subsequent Danish CPR number.

Application for entry into Denmark

The EU registration certificate is issued on the spot. You must bring he original and a copy of it to the municipality when applying for entry into Denmark (and your yellow health insurance card (CPR number). Student Services SDU Kolding arranges a joint trip to the municipality. You will receive an e-mail with further instructions. It is very important that you are there for this event.

Upon registration with the municipality, you will get your Danish CPR number and your NemID (read more about the importance of this in the welcome guidWelcome-guide-for-international-students-at-SDU-Koldinge ). The email will also include a consent form (for conveyance of your CPR number from the municipality to SDU), which you must fill in and give to the municipality when applying for entry into Denmark. This document is very important, as we need to register your Danish CPR number in our systems. Approximately 2 weeks after the registration, you will receive your yellow card.

Upon registration with the municipality, you will get your Danish CPR number and your NemID (read more about the importance of this in the welcome guide  (please find the link in the above)).

For non-EU students, that means that 5 days after your arrival in Denmark, you will receive your Danish CPR number (if you have applied for entry into Denmark in due time). Please remember to notify students services about your “real” CPR number. This is very important, as we need to register it in our systems.

Due to the EU registration process, EU students will have to wait until late September/beginning of October to get their CPR numbers.

Approximately 2 weeks after the registration, the yellow health insurance card will be sent to your address.


                       Do you have questions about the study start?                

➤ Contact the Study Secretary.


Last Updated 06.11.2023