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SDU Business School

Erhvervsøkonomi, HA - Slagelse



Campusvej 55, Odense M


10:00 - 12:00

Endnote, Studieteknik & Library Survival Skills

7 maj

Bibliotekets #HappyLibrary er til dig, som er kaffetørstig eller brænder inde med spørgsmål omkring referencehåndtering, Endnote, Pubmed, søgestrenge eller studieteknik. Vi står på SUND / Marken fra klokken 10:00. Kom bare forbi. Der er ingen agenda  Ja, der er kaffe på kanden :-)

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14:15 - 15:30

Tips and tricks for unsolicited job search

7 maj

Get a piece of the pie and apply unsolicited. When asked, 83 % of Danish employers indicate that it is possible to apply unsolicited to them. Furthermore, 84 % answer, that they also mostly read the unsolicited applications they get. And 63 % of them answer, that they have tried to hire someone who applied unsolicited*. This pattern is repeated in IDA's figures, as a a total of 60% of IDA's newly graduated members get their first job by different ways than the traditional posted job - and unsolicited job search is one of the strategies. During this online workshop you will get specific tools and methods on how you proactively approach the companies by both calling and writing. In short: You’ll learn to take control of your own job search which will increase your motivation. The workshop is hosted by SDU's career counsellors, and the experts sharing their best tips at this online workshop are career advisers from IDA. The format will be a mixture of theory and tools. It is our experience, that the best output of the workshops is, when our participants comment, ask questions and are getting involved. So we hope, that you will do the same. *Ballisager's annual recruitment analysis among Danish companies across industries - 2019 + 2021.

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12:15 - 13:30

Design dit arbejdsliv

8 maj

Går du med tanker om, hvordan dit arbejdsliv skal skrues sammen, når du bliver færdig med studiet? Fx et ønske om et fleksibelt arbejdsliv, blive digital nomade, skabe en portefølgekarriere, hvor du kombinerer forskellige indtægtskilder, arbejde på deltid, blive selvstændig eller noget helt sjette. Der findes mange måder at arbejde på og til dette arrangement får du: Inspiration til forskellige måder at skrue dit arbejdsliv sammen på Indsigt i fordele og ulemper ved de forskellige veje Værktøjer til at afklare dine tanker og tage de første skridt hen imod det arbejdsliv, der matcher dine behov.

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