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Your career starts already while studying

During your study you can choose to participate in incareer-enhancing activities. See opportunities below.

Collaboration between companies and students is essential during your studies as it benefits the industry and you will be given hands-on knowledge you are able to use during your time at the university.

There are different ways to collaborate with the industry; you can choose semester projects, internships, thesis, in-company projects or a student job.

TEK Innovation facilitates different events in Odense and in Sønderborg which makes it convenient for the students to meet the companies.
Twice a year Project and Internship day is held in Odense and Student Collaboration Day in Sønderborg. They are held in April/May and in October/November each year.

Through these events, students are able to meet a various amount of companies during a short time period. It can be companies you already know or companies you want to know better. Often, the companies bring interesting opportunities and projects with them where they need students to fill out the position.

Use these events to kickstart your professional network – one day you might need it!

When you have graduated, and the last exam is over your next job is waiting for you.

Sometimes it can be confusing to find the first job as a newly graduated student.

The Faculty of Engineering offers two courses ( 5 ECTS) for students to help navigate in the current and future labor market. As a part of these courses, the students are working with their ability to communicate their competences, network, collaboration and find the career pattern to persue.

One of the main parts of the courses is the mentor from industry. Small groups of students are associated with a mentor from the industry. During the course, the students interacts with the mentor to help understand the expectations from the labor market.

Denmark wants more tech-startups – is that you?

More and more engineering students is having a dream of becoming an entrepreneur - but is wondering what effort it takes, what it can lead to and how to get there. SDU can help you in the different phases. Join our TEK Meetup information meetings or contact SDU RIO - SDU Entrepreneurship Labs

TEK Meetup is a concept where we meet and talk about experiences regarding being a startup while studying. Current students meets former students now working in the startup and questions can be asked and network established. The two-hour meeting contains of 2-3 cases with former students from SDU as well as an introduction to what SDU RIO has to offer. Together with SDU Rio, TEK Innovation facilitates three events – two in Odense and one in Sønderborg

SDU RIO has an open door and a lot of opportunities for you studying at SDU AND wants to start a company
You can become a part of the StartUp Station programme and get access to a lot of facilities.

Read more about the opportunities here: SDU Entrepreneurship Labs.

You can demonstrate your skills and interests by participating in various activities organised by companies – sometimes in collaboration with SDU.
Participation in case competitions, engineering competitions, company visits, networking at professional trade fairs , Hackathons and the like are a good way into a company.

There are many offers for engineering students and you can get introduced to some of them, by becoming a member of the Facebook group: TEK CONNECT, which is run by employees at TEK and aims to make extra-curricular offers relevant for engineering students visible.