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Bookable Study Cells (Odense)

Study cells are booked at the info stand at the desk or online at
(Note: when booking online, you''ll find the study cells by typing "studiecelle" in the "by room name" field.)


· Study cells can be booked max 6 hours in a row.
· Study cells can be booked 2 times in advance (in 14 days).
· Study cells can be booked within 3 weeks.
· You can have max. have one booking per day.
· You must be at least 2 students to book a study cell.
· Individuals are referred to the library's other places of study.
· If study cells is not taken into used within 30 minutes after booking period starts, the reservation is canceled and the room can be freely used by other groups.

Last Updated 27.05.2024