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Danish language courses on the Web

We have put together a list of online language courses which are of assured quality and are free to use.
None of these courses requires you to buy any books, and they can be used before you arrive in Denmark.

The approaches and levels of the courses vary, so it is up to you to find the course which answers your needs. The University Library of Southern Denmark does not recommend specific courses for individual people.

  • Remote language course from Statens VoksenUddannelsesCentre (VUC), the state-run Centres for Adult Education – Grammar and pronunciation w/exercises, BGN – link:
  • Vores fællessprog (Our common language) from The Ministry of Immigration, Integration and Housing  – Grammar w/exercises, BGN – link:
  • LærDansk – Grammar and pronunciation w/exercises – link: 
  • Dansk her og nu (Danish here and now) from The Ministry of Immigration, Integration and Housing  – Grammar, pronunciation and texts, BGN – link:
  • Basby udtale (Basby pronunciation)  developed by language teacher Anders Basby – Pronunciation w/exercises, BGN – link:
  • Duolingo can be found both as an online course and a smartphone app, BGN – link:

At the library, you will also find a selection of course materials which can help you get started on learning Danish, both with and without CDs that demonstrate the correct pronunciation.

These course materials can be searched and requested via the library catalogue – try searching for e.g. ”sprogkursus” and ”dansk”! 

Last Updated 11.01.2024